Indian Patent Statistics, Interesting inventions, DIPP publishes draft patent amendment rules 2018, International patent news and more


“Indian patent statistics, Interesting inventions, DIPP publishes draft patent amendment rules 2018, European Patent Organization elects a new Chairperson, Alibaba all set to join the Open Invention Network, after Microsoft, LIPO launches its first ever web portal for IP Filings, IPOS grants its first patent under the FinTech Initiative and other Weekly Patent News updates” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm.

Quote of the Week

“The ultimate strategy is to increase business and net worth by using intellectual property. Any winning IP strategy will have at least two goals: to create or acquire intellectual capital, and then exploit it quickly and efficiently” – David Aylen, Harnessing the power of Intellectual Property, Ivey Business Journal.

Indian Patent Statistics

A total of 1114 patent applications have been published in the 50th issue of the patent journal. Out of the 1114 applications, 66 applications account for early publications while 1048 applications account for ordinary publications or publications occurring after the 18-month period. A total of 229 applications have been granted this week thereby marking an decrease of 50.96% in total grants as compared to the preceding week.

Early Publications

City Previous Week This Week Percentage of change
Delhi 24 1 95.83% decrease
Mumbai 48 22 54.16% decrease
Chennai 49 26 46.93% decrease
Kolkata 1 17 1600% increase
Total 122 66 45.90% decrease

Ordinary Publications

City Previous Week This Week Percentage of change
Delhi 251 644 156.57% increase
Mumbai 58 51 12.06% decrease
Chennai 189 236 24.86% increase
Kolkata 19 117 515.78% increase
Total 517 1048 102.70% decrease

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS (Previous Week): 639


Percentage difference: 74.33% increase

First Examination Report (FER) Statistics

A total 2056 FER’s have been issued last week. Applicants and their agents can check if any of their patent applications have been examined by referring to the journal available here.

City No. of FER Issued
Delhi 762
Mumbai 314
Chennai 599
Kolkata 381
Total 2056


City Previous Week This Week Percentage of change
Delhi 157 91 42.03% decrease
Mumbai 62 41 33.87% decrease
Chennai 145 64 55.86% decrease
Kolkata 103 33 67.96% decrease
Total 467 229 50.96 % decrease


Number of Applications published based on applicant city

Of the total 1114 patent applications published in the journal last week, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata have contributed a total of 75 applications. The total applications from each of the previously mentioned cities are as follows – 24 applications from Chennai, 22 applications from Bangalore, 20 applications from Delhi, 16 applications from Hyderabad, 11 applications from Mumbai and 9 applications from Kolkata.

List of Cities 1st January 2018 – 14th December 2018 8th December 2018 – 14th December 2018
Delhi 1011 12
Mumbai 869 8
Bangalore 1125 17
Chennai 778 17
Hyderabad 501 15
Kolkata 262 6

Total number of applications published by the Indian Patent Office from the 1st of January 2018 till date: 37586

  • Early publications: 3694
  • Ordinary Publications: 34367

Total number of patents granted by the Indian Patent Office from the 1st of January 2018 till date: 13153

  • Delhi – 4833
  • Mumbai – 1651
  • Chennai – 4199
  • Kolkata – 2574

Indian Industrial Designs Statistics

The designs office has registered a total of 142 designs this week. The total designs registered from the 1st of January 2018 till date now adds to a total of 7892 applications.

Total designs registered in the previous Week: 142

Total designs registered this Week: 142

Percentage Difference: No change

Total designs registered from the 1st of January 2018 till date: 7892

Interesting Inventions of the Week


Patent Application No.: 201821005138

Applicant: Mr. Agrawal Ayush Satish

Abstract: “ABSORBENT The present invention discloses an electricity generating device which fits over any household gas stove (gas chulhas/shegdi) and can produce electricity out of the waste heat from the sides of grill stand/jali of gas stoves and from under the cooking utensil while cooking. It works on the principle of seebeck effect. The electricity produced can be used for charging phones and gadgets, lighting purposes, driving compactable exhaust fans or kitchen chimneys and various other appliances coming under the power limits of the proposed device. The device also reduces the cooking time as it traps and reflects the excess heat back to the cooking utensil” (The abstract has been provided as is and has not been corrected for errors)


Patent Application No.: 201721020107

Applicant: Shreeyash Shivaji Patil

Abstract:  “An agricultural robot or agro-bot is a robot deployed for agricultural purposes. The main area of application of robots in agriculture is at the harvesting stage,Fruit picking robots and digging, ploughing and seeding robots are designed to replace human labor. But there is not any invention made to automate Pesticide Spraying. Pesticide Spraying is done manually which is not accurate but it is approximate. Manually Spraying of Pesticides Causes harm to human health as Pesticides is Hazardous to Human Health. AS well as the monitoring of Pesticides is not controlled so that leads to increase in quantity of Pesticide requirement Automated Mechanism for Pesticide Spraying is Designed which comprises of motors and pulley mechanism through which the sprinkling action is controlled. For automating the sprinkling process the Arduino Microcontroller Board is used which can be controlled through mobile Bluetooth module or External Wired Controller. So through this arrangement the Pesticide is sprinkled on the Plant in Horizontal aswell as Vertical Direction is Controlled Optimally. On the field the robot operates on automated mode, but outside the field is strictly operated in manual mode. For manual control the robot uses the Bluetooth pairing app as control device and helps in the navigation of the robot outside the field.” (The abstract has been provided as is and has not been corrected for errors)


Patent Application No.: 201741019970

Applicant: Kanchi Deepanvitha

Abstract:  “The present invention discloses a disinfectant wallet used for carrying plurality of currency notes, coins and cards. The wallet inhibits/disinfects the bacteria lodged on the currency notes, coins and cards and also prevents cross-contamination during exchange, even when handled in unhygienic conditions. The disinfectant wallet of the present invention comprises of predetermined shaped housing similar to any conventional wallet and plurality of disinfected sleeves, disposed appropriately in interior surface of the housing in order to facilitate the provision for carrying the currency notes, coins and cards. The invention is characterized in the disinfected sleeves comprises of double coated silver nanoparticles on the sleeves for inhibition/disinfection of bacteria.” (The abstract has been provided as is and has not been corrected for errors)

Indian Patent Updates

Draft Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2018 published

The Ministry of Commerce and the DIPP released the first version of the draft Patent Amendment Rules, 2018. The draft rules will replace the existing Patent Rules, 2003. The draft proposes to eliminate the transmittal fee for all international applications filed through e-PCT and the fee for obtaining copies of the priority documents, if any. Another major change which has been proposed is with respect to the eligibility of applicants to file a request for expedited examination. The amended rules suggest that, a small entity or a female applicant incase the applicant is a natural person or a government undertaking, and applicants of the countries whose patent office has signed a mutual PPH agreement with IPO will henceforth be allowed to make a request with the IPO for expedited examination. The draft is now open for public inspection and review, and can be found here.

International Patent News

European Patent Organization elects a new Chairperson

The Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization, that acts as a supervisory body to the European Patent Office has appointed a new Chairman in the 158th meeting of the Council, on 12th December, 2018. Mr. Josef Kratochvíl, the newly elected Chairman will preside over the Office from 1st January, 2019 for a period of three years. Mr. Kratochvíl, presently holds the position of a Deputy Chairman. His predecessor Mr. Christoph Ernst, has been appointed as the Vice President of the Directorate General Legal and International Affairs of the European Patent Office.

Alibaba all set to join the Open Invention Network, after Microsoft

Alibaba and its conglomerate Ant Financial will soon join the world’s largest OIN of Linux. The move comes as a peacemaker to the ongoing trade war between US and China. The OIN already consists of leading tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Chrome, Android, Apache, LibreOffice and many more. With the addition of the Chinese conglomerate, the OIN will aid litigation free patent sharing and an environment for zero royalty.

China has been regarded as the world’s leading country with respect to the number of patent applications filed each year, this move ensures that China maintains its position, in the coming years.

LIPO launches its first ever web portal for IP Filings

The Liberia Intellectual Property Office (LIPO) launched its first portal for Intellectual Property registrations and filings on 14th December, 2019. Through this portal, users can now register their trademarks, patents and copyrights, online. It also allows users to track and check the status of their applications. The Director General of LIPO, Atty. P. Adelyn Cooper said that “The portal is intended to protect local innovation and users of IP rights in order to establish our presence in the global intellectual property and promote economic growth and development in Liberia.”

IPOS grants its first patent under the FinTech Initiative

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore launched a new system called the FinTech Fast Track (FTFT) initiative, in April, 2018. Under the initiative, an applicant has the means to obtain a patent within 6 to 8 months of filing an application. In order to qualify for this file-to-grant process of obtaining a patent, the invention must satisfy the criteria specified under the initiative. Additional information on FinTech can be found here.

On December 6th, 2018, IPOS granted its first accelerated patent under FinTech to Voyager Innovations, a company based in ASEAN.

Compiled by Vibha Amarnath

About BIP’s Patent Attorneys

Led by Senior Partners, Somashekar Ramakrishna, Nitin Nair and Vinita Radhakrishnan, BIP’s Patent Attorneys are among the leading patent practitioners in the country. They work with clients such as Mahindra and Mahindra, Samsung, HCL, Eureka Forbes, and Titan. They specialize in IT/Software, Electronics/Telecom, Mechanical, Automotive, and Bio/Pharma domains, and help clients with patent filing, prosecution, management and strategy in India, and across the world.

The weekly patent news initiative is a part of their pro bono work, and is aimed at spreading patent awareness. You are free to share the news with appropriate attribution and backlink to the source.

If you have any questions, you may write to BIP’s Patent Attorneys –;


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