“Drop in patent publications, 220 patent examiner posts vacant, Interesting invention of the week, Sony versus Fujifilm and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm.
Patent Quote of the Week
Patents have a place in medical science – for new inventions that advance the state of knowledge. – Adam Cohen, American Journalist
Indian Patent Statistics
A total of 617 patent applications have been published in the 33rd issue of the patent journal. Out of the 617 applications, 78 applications account for early publications while 539 applications account for ordinary publications or publications occurring after the 18 month period. A total of 176 applications have been granted this week thereby marking a decrease of about 8.81% decrease in grants compared to the previous week.
Early Publications
City | Previous Week | This Week | Percentage of change |
Delhi | 14 | 25 | 78.57% increase |
Mumbai | 42 | 4 | 90.48% decrease |
Chennai | 20 | 33 | 65% increase |
Kolkata | 15 | 16 | 6.67% increase |
Total | 91 | 78 | 14.29% decrease |
Ordinary Publications
City | Previous Week | This Week | Percentage of change |
Delhi | 507 | 286 | 43.59% decrease |
Mumbai | 246 | 17 | 93.09% decrease |
Chennai | 223 | 222 | 0.45% decrease |
Kolkata | 19 | 14 | 26.32% decrease |
Total | 995 | 539 | 45.83% decrease |
TOTAL PUBLICATIONS (Previous Week): 1086
Percentage difference: 43.19% decrease
First Examination Report (FER) Statistics
A total of 1805 FER’s have been issued last week. Applicants and their agents can check if any of their patent applications have been examined by referring the journal available here.
City | No. of FER Issued |
Delhi | 478 |
Mumbai | 168 |
Chennai | 411 |
Kolkata | 221 |
Total | 1278 |
City | Previous Week | This Week | Percentage of change |
Delhi | 58 | 63 | 8.62% increase |
Mumbai | 36 | 22 | 38.89% decrease |
Chennai | 63 | 47 | 25.4% decrease |
Kolkata | 36 | 44 | 22.22% increase |
Total | 193 | 176 | 8.81% decrease |
Number of Applications published based on applicant city
Of the total 617 patent applications published in the journal last week, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata have contributed a total of 83 applications. The total applications from each of the previously mentioned cities are as follows – 32 applications from Bangalore, 17 applications from Delhi, 13 applications from Hyderabad, 11 applications from Chennai and 5 applications each from Mumbai and Kolkata.
List of Cities | 1st January 2018 – 17th August 2018 | 11th August 2018 – 17th August 2018 |
Delhi | 726 | 17 |
Mumbai | 561 | 5 |
Bangalore | 685 | 32 |
Chennai | 405 | 11 |
Hyderabad | 315 | 13 |
Kolkata | 149 | 5 |
Total number of applications published by the Indian Patent Office from the 1st of January 2018 till date: 24612
- Early publications: 2319
- Ordinary Publications: 22293
Total number of patents granted by the Indian Patent Office from the 1st of January 2018 till date: 8877
- Delhi – 3329
- Mumbai – 1068
- Chennai – 2728
- Kolkata – 1752
Indian Industrial Designs Statistics
The designs office has registered a total of 78 designs this week. The total designs registered from the 1st of January 2018 till date now adds to a total of 5572 applications.
Total designs registered in the previous Week: 127
Total designs registered this Week: 78
Percentage Difference: 38.58% decrease
Total designs registered from the 1st of January 2018 till date: 5572
Interesting Invention of the week
Patent Application No.: 201841029986
Abstract: “The embodiments of present invention provide an IoT based integrated system for smart city. The system integrates smart parking, traffic management, water level indication, garbage level monitoring and smart streetlight with a display. A garbage monitoring module predicts garbage levels and suggests best time and route of pickup of garbage using machine learning algorithms. An intelligent parking module helps in reducing traffic congestion by finding available parking lot and intimating people in advance about parking availability. A traffic management module manipulates duration of traffic signals and determines state of street lights. The module also uses pressure sensors to determine number of cars on road. The system indicates water level on roads in places facing often flood situations to indicate people about safety in proceeding from that route. A display module displays important places in vicinity, landmark information, traffic information, alternate paths, date, time, weather details and advertisements.” (The abstract text has been taken as is and has not been corrected for any errors)
Indian Patent Updates
Recruitment for 220 Posts of Examiner of Patents & Designs
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks (CGPDTM) has announced opening for 220 posts of Examiner of Patents & Designs. Interested candidates may read more about this here. An increase in the number of examiners will certainly benefit applicants and reduce the massive backlog of patent applications that is currently plaguing the IP offices.
Patent /Design Infringements, Disputes, Licensing and Settlements.
Sony trumps FujiFilm in Patent battle
Sony was awarded a victory by the US International Trade Commission in a patent infringement dispute involving its arch rival Fujifilm. The issue concerns a year-long global fight between the two companies over controlling the market for Linear Tape-Open mass data storage, a standard used by major data holders including banks and governments.
Author: BIP’s Patent Attorneys
Led by Senior Partners, Somashekar Ramakrishna, Nitin Nair and Vinita Radhakrishnan, BIP’s Patent Attorneys are among the leading patent practitioners in the country. They work with clients such as Mahindra and Mahindra, Samsung, HCL, Eureka Forbes, and Titan. They specialize in IT/Software, Electronics/Telecom, Mechanical, Automotive, and Bio/Pharma domains, and help clients with patent filing, prosecution, management and strategy in India, and across the world.
The weekly patent news initiative is a part of their pro bono work, and is aimed at spreading patent awareness. You are free to share the news with appropriate attribution and backlink to the source.
If you have any questions, you may write to BIP’s Patent Attorneys – patent@.