Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image is of a weighing machine with help written where the weight is displayed. The post is about weight loss patents.To read more click here

Keeping your eyes on the prize: Weight Loss Patents V

  Burning the extra fat deposit and shedding some weight is definitely a good idea. In addition to obvious health benefits, it’s proven that being physically fit and living healthy can improve your confidence level as well.  Well, we all know this theory. Many have tried or are still trying, or at least intend to shed some weight. But the real test is to find that motivation which will help you keep going. Unlike weight gain, weight loss is definitely a…

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The image is of a weighing machine with help written where the weight is displayed. The post is about weight loss patents.To read more click here

Shedding those extra pounds the patent way- Weight Loss Patents I

  Hello there Sinapse readers! If you are one of those people who have included “losing some weight” as one of your resolutions this year, this post should definitely be of interest to you. Losing weight can be a tedious task. From crazy celebrity diets to outrageous workout routines to any of the latest weight loss fads, we’ve all been there and done that. Haven’t we? In this post we bring to you some of the patented inventions whose primary objective…

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