Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

India and foreign patent news

AICTE and CIPAM spar over invention guidelines, USPTO invites comments on patenting inventions developed by AI and more

In this weeks patent news - AICTE differs with CIPAM’s guidelines for on-campus inventions, to approach ministry, USPTO extends date for comments on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patents”, Nokia sues Lenovo for patent infringement, EU parliament challenges EPO on plant patentability, Aftechmobile sues Apple Inc. for patent infringement, Canon Inc., ends patent infringement dispute against LLC VTT and LLC Pallady, European Patent Office to host Patent Information Conference 2019,   EUIPO hosts IP Horizon 5.0 in Alicante, Spain, Intellectual Property Office of…

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India and foreign patent news

IPR policy guidelines published, Heads of UKIPO, EPO and USPTO discuss global patent system and more

DPIIT floats draft guidelines for implementation of IPR policy in academic institutions, Capcom wins patent infringement lawsuit in Japan, Bridgestone claims victory in China in patent infringement case, Heads of UKIPO, EPO and USPTO discuss global patent system and more patent news. Patent News updates from India DPIIT floats draft guidelines for implementation of IPR policy in academic institutions The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has published a 23-page ‘Draft model guidelines on implementation of IPR…

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The image reads Trademarks. The post is about interesting development in trademark law. Click on the image to read the full post.

Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents – Part 2

This post was first published on 14th October, 2014.   As discussed in our earlier post, the Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents under the Trademarks Law requires the Trademark Office to translate foreign words to English in order to determine whether certain marks qualify for trademark registration or not. In this post, we are looking into whether the Indian Courts consider this doctrine an acceptable principle of the Trademark Law. Indian Courts have not faced the question of applicability of this doctrine in many…

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courtroom bences seats x

Final Rules For Administrative Trials Published

This post was first published on 15th August, 2012.   The U.S. Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will publish final rules in the Federal Register, relating to implementation of three administrative trial provisions of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA); inter partes review, post-grant review, and the transitional program for covered business method patents. The administrative trial final rules offer a third party a timely, cost-effective alternative to district court litigation for challenging the patentability of a…

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Patent Claims x

An Incentive to Green Technology Patent Applications

  First Publication Date: 29th December 2010   In an extremely globalized world where we talk of reducing our carbon footprint, it is obvious that the leaders of tomorrow would be those who can use the alternatives to non renewable sources of energy to the fullest. Green technologies like Solar Energy, Hydel Power and Wind energy are being researched upon the world over and the least the governments can do is provide more and more incentives for development of these technologies. The U.S.…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Interesting Patents, IIT-M to host Tech summit, Cannabis Patent, Qualcomm forced to license its patents, Canada becomes party to Hague Agreement, USPTO’s new Sponsorship Tool and more

  “Indian patent statistics, Interesting inventions, IIT Madras to host Shaastra Summit, Qualcomm forced to license its patents to rivals, USPTO’s new Sponsorship Tool to give other members access to the Patent Electronic System, USPTO grants a patent to a composition containing Cannabis and other Weekly Patent News updates,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Design Quote of the Week "Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” – Paul Rand, American…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Interesting Patents, BlackBerry versus Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, Huawei top patent filer and other news

“Continued decrease in patent stats, Interesting Patents on eyewear, payments and lipsticks, Madras High Court upholds FIR against patent officials; BlackBerry sues Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram for patent infringement, USPTO to disclose new design for patent certificate, Huawei tops patent filing list in 2017 at EPO, Patent Tip of the Week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Patent Quote of the Week “It is never about how…

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  SCENARIO IN THE UNITED STATES REGARDING PROTECTION OF MOVIE TITLE The interests of the American motion picture, television industries and home videos are safeguarded by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Since its inception in 1922, it has been playing an important part in protecting the commercial interest of the movie makers both in the US and internationally. Registering a film title with the United States Patents and Trademark Office (USPTO) is available with respect to movie titles; however,…

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The featured image shows the seal of the USPTO. ( United States Patent and Trademark Office). The post is about the Post -Prosecution Pilot program announced by the USPTO. To know more, please click here.

USPTO Announces Post-Prosecution Pilot Program (P3)

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)  has recently announced a new Post-Prosecution Pilot (P3) program to intensify prosecution during the time period after a final rejection and prior to the filing of a notice of appeal. This is a new alternative to the existing options that are available for responding to the final rejections. The P3 program was announced in a Federal Register Notice which was published on July 11, 2016.The main aim of this program is to reduce the number…

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Sipping on IP – Conversation on Intellectual Property x

Sipping on IP – Conversation on Intellectual Property

Well I am guessing the title of this post may have piqued your interest. ‘Sipping on IP’ is an initiative taken by BananaIP Counsels, where everyone gathers over coffee and lets ideas, discussions and conversations about intellectual property brew. There are no ground rules and the conversation can be about varied topics from more current pressing issues to any IP related concept. It is a great way to connect, take a break and learn from your peers. Let’s see what we…

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