Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Weekly TM News Updates

Kylie Jenner Sued Over ‘Born to Sparkle’, Vans – NASA collaboration for Space Age Shoes, Alibaba Emerges Victorious in a Trademark Battle and other news

Indian Trademark Statistics for October (Fifth Week) 2018, Vans Wins Trademark Battle, Samsung in Trouble with Their Galaxy, Kylie Jenner Sued Over ‘Born to Sparkle’, 326 Registered GIs in India and more, brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels. TRADEMARK QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Branding is not just about being seen as better than the competition. It’s about being seen as the only solution to your audience’s problem” – John Morgan INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Indian Trademark Office…

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Image accompanying blogpost on "IP and Yoga Massage""

Intellectual Property and Yoga Massage

  "Working with the body is an art more than a skill," Mr. Raghavendra tells his students of 'Yoga Massage' in his very first class. It is in fact fascinating to watch him express, original body work with elements of creativity that surpass intellectual property standards and take a substantial lead. While many body work sequences are based on traditional practices, several practitioners and therapists have over the years developed novel and creative sequences for various reasons ranging from recipient requirement…

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Weekly TM News Updates

India Licensing Expo 2018, Goan Coconut Feni GI, TATA Trademark, and Domain Name Infringement, and other news

  Indian Trademark Statistics for August (Fourth Week) 2018, Ferrari Sued for Infringement, Jurassic World Lego Collection, Goan Coconut Feni GI and more” brought to you by the Trademark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels. TRADEMARK QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” --Elon Musk INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS In the last…

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Weekly TM News Updates

Trade Marking a Face?, Corona Beer weds Corona Lime, Madhya Pradesh Basmati isn’t Basmati, and other News

  “Indian Trade Mark Statistics for March (Third Week) 2018, Corona Beer weds Corona Lime, Trade Marking a Face , MP Fails to Obtain GI Tag for Basmati and more” brought to you by the Trade Mark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels. TRADE MARK QUOTE OF THE WEEK "Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind" - Walter Landor INDIAN TRADE MARK STATISTICS The Indian Trade Mark Office had an overall decrease in its productivity. The total number…

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Weekly TM News Updates

Starbucks Loses to a Puppy, Narcos Series Video Game to be Launched!, Battle of the Chickens, Jurassic Park Roars 25th Anniversary, and other Weekly Trade Mark News

  “Indian Trade Mark Statistics for March (Third Week) 2018, Narco’s Pablo to be Played, Starbucks Loses Opposition Battle, Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary, Battle of the Chickens and more” brought to you by the Trade Mark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels. TRADE MARK QUOTE OF THE WEEK ‘The designer’s role in the development, application and protection of the trademark may be described as pre-creative, creative and post-creative’  – Lester Bell INDIAN TRADE MARK STATISTICS The Indian Trade Mark Office has picked up…

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Trademark Infringement

Trade Mark Recap 2017 – Interesting Trade Mark Quotes

  As the first month of this new year is coming to an end, let us have a peek into the interesting Trade Mark Quotes of 2017: A brand is nothing but an expression of consumer’s loyalty and trust. – Phil Dusenberry A brand is simply trust – Steve Jobs Trade licensing almost inevitably becomes a tool in the hands of a special producer group to maintain a monopoly position at the expense of the rest of the public. There…

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Weekly TM News Updates

Bourbon Whiskey Battle, Magahi Paan GI, Bubble Wrap Trade Mark, Siemens Trade Mark Infringement, The Dravidian Trade Mark and other Weekly Trade Mark News

“Indian Trade Mark Statistics for December (First Week) 2017, Bourbon Whiskey Trade Mark Settlement, Rubik’s Apparel license, Fruit of the Loom Launched in India, Magahi Paan GI and more Weekly Trade Mark News” brought to you by the Trade Mark Attorneys at BananaIP (BIP) Counsels. TRADE MARK QUOTE OF THE WEEK ‘A great brand evolves from building a good reputation’ – Abiodun A. Abioudin INDIAN TRADE MARK STATISTICS The Indian Trade Mark Office had a slow week in comparison to the…

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The featured image is the screenshot of the first slide of this presentation.

Intellectual Property and Business – A Presentation by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala at IIM – Bangalore

This presentation is titled "Intellectual Property and Business" and was delivered by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala to the students at the Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore (IIMB). The presentation covers the following topics: - Party Conversation - Intellectual Property and its forms - Patents - Illustrative Example - Elfot - Prior Art for Elfot - Industrial Designs - Trademarks - ELFOT – trade mark - Copyrights - Trade Secrets - Integrated Protection - Licensing Matrix - The Dravidian - Dr.Kalyan's Books You may access the full presentation here: The presentation is intended to serve as…

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This is the image of the first slide of the PPT titled "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property"

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property – Presentation by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala at UPES School of Law

The following presentation titled "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property" is part of the Patent Law and Practice Program being taught by the BananaIP Team to the B.tech-LLB Students of  UPES School of Law, Dehradun. The presentation covers the following topics: Introduction to Intellectual Property Species of IP Patents Copyrights Brand Value Trademarks Industrial Designs Trade Secrets Geographical Indications Traditional Knowledge Dr. Kalyan’s Latest IP thriller - The Dravidian You may access the…

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Why the name BananaIP

Why the Name BananaIP? Why Not?

"Are you the Bananas?" the client asked, laughing loudly when we entered. "Yes, we are," I said, laughing with her. Almost every one laughs when we introduce ourselves for the first time. "Hi, I am from BananaIP." "Where did you say you are from? Ha Ha Ha" They can't help laughing. One even went to the extent of proclaiming, "Who in the right frame of mind calls an IP firm Banana!" "Me," I said instantly, summoning all my energies to…

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BananaIP Counsels

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Email: contact@bananaip.com

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BananaIP Counsels

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Telephone: +91-76250 93758 | +91-80-49536207 | +91-80-26860414/24/34

Email: contact@bananaip.com

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