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Trademark Statistics

3781 Trademark Applications Filed this Week, 6% Increase in Trademark Examinations this Week.

3781 trademark applications filed this week, Decrease of 22% in total number of trademark applications disposed through show cause hearings. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Trademark Registry has started picking its pace gradually as the lockdown is easing. Further, there has been an increase of 6% in the total number of applications Examined by the Trademark Office. Weekly Indian Trademark Statistics Particulars Last Week This Week Change in % Total…

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Trademark Registry Gearing up to Resume its Operations

Trademark registry gearing up to resume its operations, Increase of 16% in total number of trademark applications examined. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS With the lockdown still in place, it looks like we will have to wait for the Trademark Registry to get its groove back. However, with the relaxations administered by the government, the Indian Trademark Registry has picked up its pace with a sixteen…

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Trademark Statistics

1442 Trademark Applications Examined this Week

1442 trademark applications examined this week, 91816 trademarks filed so far in 2020. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS With the lockdown being extended till 3rd May 2020, there has not been much changes in the working of the Indian Trademark Registry. A total of 2474 new applications has been filed and 1442 total trademark applications has been examined by the trademark office. Weekly Indian Trademark Statistics Particulars Last…

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Trademark Statistics  x

4162 Trademark Applications Filed, No Examinations, Publications and Registrations in the Last Week

4162 Trademark Applications Filed, No Examinations, Publications and Registrations in the Last Week. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS A total of 4162 new trademark filings have been filed in the last week with the Indian Trademark Office with Delhi recording the highest filing of 1744 applications and Mumbai following with 1097 applications. Trademark Statistics by Office Total Number of New Applications Received between April 1st, 2020 to…

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Trademark Statistics

Amidst National Lock-down, Trademark Registry comes to a Standstill

3499 trademark applications filed this week. 43% decrease in total number of registrations granted. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Indian Trademark Registry has come to a standstill with the offices being shut till 15th April 2020. We can see that new applications are still being filed, thanks to the online filing process being still available. There has been a decrease of forty three percent (43%)…

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8167 New Trademark Applications Filed this Week

8167 new trademark applications filed this week, 244% increase in the total trademark applications examined this week and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Indian Trademark Office had an overall increase in its working capacity as can been seen from the table below. The total number of trademark applications examined has increased by two hundred and forty four percent (244%). Similarly, there has been an…

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5446 Trademark Applications Registered this Week

5446 trademark applications registered this week, 63% increase in total number of hearing notices issued this week and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Indian Trademark Office has picked up its pace as can been seen from the table below. The total number of hearing notices issued has increased by sixty three percent (63%). Similarly, there has been an increase of twenty six percent (26%)…

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Trademark Statistics

7643 New Trademark Applications Filed this Week

22% decrease in the renewal notices issued this week, 26988 trademarks examined till date and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Indian Trademark Office had a slow week as can been seen from the table below. The total number of hearing notices issued has increased by one hundred and forty four percent (144%). However, there has been a decrease of twenty two percent (22%) in…

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Untitled Design x

12% Decrease in the Trademark Applications Examined this Week

12% decrease in the trademark applications examined this week, 73% decrease in the total hearing notices issued and more. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the trademark office published weekly on Mondays. INDIAN TRADEMARK STATISTICS The Indian Trademark Office had a slow week as can been seen from the table below. The total number of hearing notices issued has decreased by seventy three percent (73%). Similarly, there has been a decrease of nineteen percent (19%) in the…

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Weekly IP Statistics

Weekly Indian IP Statistics – 1st January to 7th February, 2020

Trademark Statistics (1st Jan to 7th Feb, 2020) Trademark Applications Examined by Trademark Office: 9112 Applications Disposed through Show Cause Hearings: 5832 Applications Published in the Trademark Journal: 8783 Registrations Granted: 6407 Hearing Notices Issued: 9124 Renewal Notices Issued: 3272 Patent Statistics (1st Jan to 7th Feb, 2020) Early Publications: 922 Ordinary Publications: 5794 Applications published: 6716 Grants in Delhi: 1206 Grants in Mumbai: 536 Grants in Chennai: 1154 Grants in Kolkata: 552 Total Grants: 3448 Total applications examined: 10410 Industrial Design Statistics (1st Jan to 7th Feb, 2020) Designs registered till date: 1416

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