The Delhi High Court dismissed Wipro’s appeal, upholding an interim injunction favoring Himalaya Wellness in the ‘Evecare’ trademark dispute. The court found that Wipro’s use of the identical mark for its female hygiene product created a likelihood of confusion with Himalaya’s Ayurvedic uterine tonic, which had been in use since 1997. The decision emphasized the precedence of prior use over trademark registration in cases of passing off. Continue Reading Evecare Trademark: Himalaya’s Prior Use Prevails Over Wipro’s Class Differentiation
In the case of Koteshwar Chemfood Industries Pvt. Ltd. v. Sachdeva and Sons Industries Pvt. Ltd., the Delhi High Court ordered rectification of the ‘PRIME’ trademark, removing salt and spices due to non-use, following a petition filed by Koteshwar Chemfood. Continue Reading ‘Prime’ Trademark Registration for Salt Cancelled based on Prior, Continuous Use
The Madras High Court granted a rectification petition filed by Prakash Pipes Limited, canceling Mr. Rama’s ‘PRAKASH’ trademark for non-use. The Court found the registration to be malicious, aimed at unlawful enrichment, and noted the Petitioner’s long-standing rights and goodwill associated with the trademark. Continue Reading Prakash Pipes prevails over later trademark for ‘Prakash’
In a significant trademark dispute, the Delhi High Court issued an interim order favoring Himalaya Wellness Company, restraining Vlado Sky from using the ‘Himalayan Organics’ mark. The court recognized the potential for consumer confusion and upheld the strength of the ‘Himalaya’ trademark, allowing Vlado Sky to sell existing stock under specific conditions Continue Reading Himalayan Organics Crumbles Before the Trademark Mountain of Himalaya
The Madras High Court recently ruled in favor of Prakash Ferrous Industries in a trademark dispute over the ‘TIRUMALA’ mark used on TMT steel bars, granting a permanent injunction against Mansarowar Ispat. Continue Reading Thou shall not ‘STEEL’ a trademark, says court
In a recent ruling, the Delhi High Court granted interim relief to Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories by restraining Rebanta Healthcare from using the ‘REBAHEAL’ trademark. The court found that the use of the identical mark by Rebanta could lead to confusion and potential health risks, highlighting the importance of protecting trademark rights in the pharmaceutical industry. Continue Reading Rebanta Healthcare gets hurt in fight over the mark “REBAHEAL”
The Calcutta High Court ruled in favor of Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd., overturning the Registrar’s decision and quashing the registration of a deceptively similar ‘HAATHI’ mark by Bicrampore Tea Estate. This ruling underscores the significance of consumer perception and the potential for deception in trademark disputes. Continue Reading Jumbo Tramples Haathi Trademark Registration
On June 13, 2024, the Bombay High Court granted Glenmark an interim injunction against Gleck Pharma in a trademark dispute over “ZITA-MET” and “XIGAMET”. The court found that the similarities between the trademarks could confuse consumers, leading to potential health risks, and applied strict standards to prevent such confusion. Continue Reading Diabetic Product XigaMet Loses to ZitaMet Under Heightened Pharma Trademark Scrutiny
This week’s trademark updates are as follows:
Domino’s dominates Trademark Dispute against Dominick Pizza
In a recent case, the Delhi High Court restrained a Ghaziabad based pizzeria, named Dominick Pizza, from using the marks Dominick Pizza’, ‘Cheese Burst’ and ‘Pasta Italiano’ in any manner as they were identical or deceptively to the trademarks owned by Domino’s. The High Court stated that, “The reviews of the consumers on Google Reviews, also re-affirms this fact that apart from the confusion that is taking…
This running post provides a summary of the latest Indian Trademark cases in 2021, decided by various Courts and tribunals in the country.
El Baik Food Systems Co. S.A vs Arsalan Wahid Gilkar & Anr
In a recent decision, the Delhi High Court granted an Ex-parte Injunction against use of the trademark 'Albaik' for restaurants and related services. The plaintiff in the case was the Albaik Group based out of Saudi Arabia, which started its business in 1986. The plaintiff briefly…