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Weekly Patent News

Latest Patent & Design Updates – January 2022 – Part 1

In this week's update on patents - India requests emergency meeting of WTO General Council to discuss patent waiver; RGNIIPM announces online advanced training program on patent specification; Taiwan’s revised ‘Accelerated Examination Program’ (AEP) comes into effect from January 01, 2022; USPTO pushes deadline for applications under COVID-19 Prioritized Pilot Program to March 31st, 2022; Novartis announces CAFC ruling on validity of Gilenya patent; Intel can challenge two of Qualcomm's smartphone patents, says U.S. Court of Appeals. India related patent updates…

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Weekly Patent News

Patent infringement suit against TikTok, Qualcomm and Huawei sign patent licensing agreement and other news

In this week’s Patent News – IPO to re-open acceptance of requests under PPH Pilot Project; Telangana Government proposes establishment of taskforce to promote enforcement of IPR; Triller files patent infringement lawsuit against ByteDance and its subsidiary TikTok; Qualcomm and Huawei sign patent licensing agreement and other news updates. INDIA PATENT NEWS UPDATES IPO to re-open acceptance of requests under Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Project According to the latest public notice issued on 27th July 2020, the Indian Patent Office…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Interesting Patents, IIT-M to host Tech summit, Cannabis Patent, Qualcomm forced to license its patents, Canada becomes party to Hague Agreement, USPTO’s new Sponsorship Tool and more

  “Indian patent statistics, Interesting inventions, IIT Madras to host Shaastra Summit, Qualcomm forced to license its patents to rivals, USPTO’s new Sponsorship Tool to give other members access to the Patent Electronic System, USPTO grants a patent to a composition containing Cannabis and other Weekly Patent News updates,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Design Quote of the Week "Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” – Paul Rand, American…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Frivolous inventions, Idly patents, Patent office being modernized, Annual Report for 2016-2017 published, Microsoft accused of patent infringement, UK ratifies UPC agreement, Patent tip of the Week and other news

  “Frivolous inventions, Idly patents, Annual Report for 2016-2017 published, Ramesh Abhishek: dramatic improvement in examination and disposal of IPR applications, Patent office being modernized says Minister Suresh Prabhu, Microsoft accused of patent infringement,  Qualcomm easing patent licensing terms, UK ratifies Unified Patent Court Agreement, USTR continues to place India, China and Others on priority watch list, Patent Tip of the week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm.…

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This is an image of a black-board on which the word News is written which depicts the latest Intellectual Property Updates. To know more about this image, click here.

Apple sues Qualcomm again, Major Setback to Bayer, Delhi HC allows export of patented drug and much more.

Intellectual Property updates Hello there Intellepedia readers. All of us realize that we live in a world where everything is instant. When one can have instant food, instant television and an instant date, why not some instant news? In our endeavour to bring to you Intellectual Property updates from across the globe, we are kick starting today a brand new approach to learning. All we ask of you is to brace yourself for the exciting IP journey ahead! Aikya prevails…

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