Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Weekly Patent News Updates

Medical patents, Samsung Patent Infringement, US ITC versus Apple, Patent tip of the Week and other news

  “Interesting Patents, Eye patents, Medical patents, Backpack for visually impaired user, Samsung fined for infringing KAST’s patent, US ITC tightens the noose on iPhones, Is Patent search really necessary?, Patent Tip of the week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Patent Fact of the Week “The strength of the invention is the true factor of the strength of a patent” – Gaurav Mishra, IP Manager - Strategic…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Interesting Patents, Patent Agent Examination, Honeywell Patent Infringement, US ITC v. Toyota, FTO search, Patent tip of the Week and other news

“Interesting Patents, Uber’s patent application to identify drunk passengers, Tap to speak - Gloves, Patent Agent Examination likely to be conducted this year, Honeywell looking at a ‘David versus Goliath’ like battle, US ITC to probe Toyota and others in patent infringement case, What is a FTO search?, Patent Tip of the week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Patent Fact of the Week The musical fly…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Patent on voting machines, healthy clothes, SC notice to Nuziveedu, Xiaomi v. Coolpad, Peripheral claiming versus Central claiming, Patent tip of the Week and other news

“Interesting patents - Voting just got interesting, Wear healthy, stay healthy!, Supreme Court issues notice to Nuziveedu Seeds, Coolpad Sues Xiaomi,  Brazil & EU reject Gilead’s patent on hepatitis C & HIV drugs, Peripheral claiming versus Central claiming, Patent Tip of the week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Patent Quote of the Week “Ingenuity should receive a liberal encouragement. Patentable subject matter should include anything under…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Working of Patents – Stakeholder Meeting, Huawei, InterDigital Patent Licensing, National IP awards, Design Tip and other news

“Stakeholders Meeting to discuss Working of Patents, National IP Awards - 2018 – Last date extended,  InterDigital and Technicolor sign patent licensing agreement, India ISA ranked 7th out of 22, Nasdaq sues IEX, WiLAN sues Google for infringing Siri related patent,   Design tip of the Week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Patent Quote of the Week “He who says there is no value inn aesthetic appeal is yet…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Patent Office responds to stakeholders, Justice Manmohan Singh appointed IPAB Chairman, Robotic Bandicoots to clean sewers, Amazon’s Mirror Patent, Traditional Design Registration, IBM v. Expedia, 3M’s patents infringed, Xtera v. Nokia and Alcatel Lucent, Integrated IP, Design Registration, Patent Tip of the Week and other Weekly Patent News.

  “Patent Office responds to stakeholders, A robot that intends to put a stop to sewer cleaning deaths, Amazon’s Mirror Patent for trying on virtual clothes, Justice Manmohan Singh appointed as Chairman of IPAB, Assam's HRDC plans to register traditional designs, IBM alleges patent infringement by Expedia, 3M Files Lawsuit against Elo Touch, Xtera alleges patent infringement by Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent and others, Do not overlook Design Registrations on Products, Patent Tip of the Week and other Weekly Patent News,” presented by…

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The featured image shows law related books on a shelf. To read this post, click here.

Mock Infringement and Invalidity Proceedings by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala at UPES School of Law

This Infringement and Invalidity proceeding is part of the Patent Law and Practice Program being taught by the BananaIP Team to the B.tech-LLB Students of  UPES School of Law, Dehradun. Readers may use the content herein with appropriate attribution to the author. The students were divided into two groups, one group arguing in favor of ToyJoy and the other arguing in favor of Happy Chocs. While the representatives for ToyJoy were asked to  initiate the suit for infringement against Happy Chocs, the representatives…

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The featured image shows a hare and a tortoise. This image was used as a teaching aid in the "strategic inventor program', a unique seminar on patents.

Patents, Inventions, Inventors – Who really won the race? A peek into the Strategic Inventor Seminar by BananaIP Counsels

The “Strategic Inventor”, Banana IP’s Seminar on patents for corporate inventors held on 22 September 2017, witnessed 16 inventors from diverse organizations like Cisco, Eureka Forbes, Muniyal Ayurveda, Samsung, Wipro, Unilever, Agaso Technologies, Peps Industries, Triton and Chirra Electronics coming together under a single roof, at ITC Gardenia Bengaluru. Introduction: The Inventors were welcomed with a personalized folder containing hand-outs about Banana IP and Strategic Inventor. The Seminar commenced with Mr. Nitin Nair, Senior Partner at BananaIP, addressing the participants…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Patents, Startups, Innovations, Interesting Patents and Designs, Government Updates, Latest Patent Disputes, Eli Lilly versus Actavis, Doctrine of Equivalents, Patent Tip of the Week and more.

  Patents, Startups, Innovations, Interesting Patents and Designs, Government Updates, Latest Patent Disputes, Eli Lilly versus Actavis, Doctrine of Equivalents, Patent Infringement, Plant varieties, Patent Tip of the Week, Patent pending, Patented and more weekly news updates,  presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm Patent Quote of the week “Patents stand for you when everything else is lost.” - Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala, Renowned IP Attorney, Professor and Novelist Patent Stats from the…

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The featured image shows the logo of google. To read more on the google versus oracle dispute click here.

Google’s use of Java APIs in Android – fair use?

  The District Court of the Northern District of California held last week that Google's use of 37 Java APIs of Oracle does not give rise to copyright infringement liability because it is fair use. On remand from the Federal Circuit, in a Jury trial, Google's use of Java APIs and around eleven thousand lines of code was held to be fair use as it is meant to promote inter-operability and compatibility between programs. You may read our earlier post for…

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The image says Coffee written on Scrabble pieces with coffee beans in the background. To read more click here.

Sipping on IP

Well I am guessing the title of this post may have piqued your interest. ‘Sipping on IP’ is an initiative taken by BananaIP, where everyone gathers over coffee and lets ideas, discussions and conversations about intellectual property brew. There are no ground rules and the conversation can be about varied topics from more current pressing issues to any IP related concept. It is a great way to connect, take a break and learn from your peers. Let’s see what we…

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