Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The Business of Intellectual Property For Start-ups

Register for a Free Webinar on Intellectual Property For StartUps – July 17th, 2020

Intellectual Property is an important business tool in the hands of Start Ups and small companies. Its value  assumes higher importance  during a crisis. As many businesses work hard to survive the  crisis posed by the COVID pandemic, the crisis has opened   new avenues to  innovative and creative Start Ups. Start Ups that are able to build strong and valuable IP during this time, whether related to COVID or not, have a unique opportunity to succeed and thrive. In order to …

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Wishing A Very Happy, Creative and Innovative New Year

Wishing A Very Happy, Creative and Innovative New Year

On behalf of all our contributors, we wish you a Very Happy, Creative and Innovative New Year. We thank you for your support and patronage in 2019, and will endeavor to continue our mission of contributing to the flow of IP knowledge and IP culture development in 2020 as well. As we head into the new year, we will be grateful for any observations, comments or inputs you may have to help us improve Intellepedia and its initiatives. In 2019, we published…

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Upcoming Intellectual Property (IP) Events by Intellepedia

Upcoming IP Events – Fast tracking Patents, Music of Copyrights, and Learn Patent Searching and Data Analysis Skills/Techniques

BananaIP's Intellepedia is organising three IP Events during the next four weeks. They are being held at BananaIP's office in Bangalore. You may register for the events by visiting the links provided hereunder. At a Glance Fastracking Patents in India: Getting a Patent in One Year - 20th December 2019 (2PM to 4PM) - BananaIP's Office (3rd Floor) - Register Online The Music of Copyrights - 3rd January , 2020 (2PM to 4PM) - BananaIP's Office (3rd Floor) - Register…

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Dancing with Intellectual Property

Dancing with Intellectual Property: A Presentation by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala

On December 13th, 2019, BananaIP Counsels conducted a seminar titled "Dancing with Intellectual Property" at its office in Bangalore. The event was attended by dancers, performers, and dance instructors, and witnessed active exchanges on the need for IP awareness for those in the field. Dr. Kalyan, Managing Partner of BananaIP Counsels, started the session with a discussion on the different types of intellectual property that could exist in a dance performance, and how each form of IP could be protected. He…

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BananaIP Counsels

No.40, 3rd Main Road, JC Industrial Estate, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore – 560 062.

Telephone: +91-76250 93758+91-80-49536207 | +91-80-26860414/24/34
Email: contact@bananaip.com

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