Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

PPVFR Act and changes after the tribunal reforms ordinance

PPVFR Act and Powers of High Court following the end of IPAB

The President of India on fourth of April 2021 promulgated “The Tribunals Reforms (Rationalization and Conditions of Service) Ordinance 2021”. This Ordinance abolishes the various tribunals set up under the following acts: THE CINEMATOGRAPH ACT, 1952 THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957 THE CUSTOMS ACT, 1962 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA ACT, 1994 THE TRADE MARKS ACT, 1999 THE GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS (REGISTRATION…

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Vitiation of IPAB and changes to the Trade Marks Act

Vitiation of IPAB – Changes under the Trade Marks Act

The President of India on fourth of April 2021 promulgated “The Tribunals Reforms (Rationalization and Conditions of Service) Ordinance 2021”. This Ordinance abolishes the various tribunals set up under the following acts: THE CINEMATOGRAPH ACT, 1952 THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957 THE CUSTOMS ACT, 1962 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA ACT, 1994 THE TRADE MARKS ACT, 1999 THE GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS (REGISTRATION…

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Vitiation of IPAB & consequences on the the GI Act

Vitiation of IPAB and Beyond – Geographical Indications

The President of India on fourth of April 2021 promulgated “The Tribunals Reforms (Rationalization and Conditions of Service) Ordinance 2021”. This Ordinance abolishes the various tribunals set up under the following acts: THE CINEMATOGRAPH ACT, 1952 THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957 THE CUSTOMS ACT, 1962 THE PATENTS ACT, 1970 THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA ACT, 1994 THE TRADE MARKS ACT, 1999 THE GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS OF GOODS (REGISTRATION…

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Tribunals Reforms Ordinance 2021 & Geographical Indications Act, 1999

Tribunals Reforms Ordinance 2021 and changes to the Geographical Indications Act, 1999

The President of India on the 4th of April 2021 promulgated the “THE TRIBUNALS REFORMS (RATIONALISATION AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDINANCE, 2021”.  With the passing of this ordinance, Tribunals set up under the Cinematograph Act, 1952, the Customs Act, 1962, the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and certain other Acts have now effectively been rendered defunct with immediate effect. Provided below…

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Tribunal reforms & PPVFRA

Tribunals Reforms Ordinance 2021 and amendments to the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act 2001

The President of India on the 4th of April 2021 promulgated the “THE TRIBUNALS REFORMS (RATIONALISATION AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDINANCE, 2021”.  With the passing of this ordinance, Tribunals set up under the Cinematograph Act, 1952, the Customs Act, 1962, the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and certain other Acts have now effectively been rendered defunct with immediate effect. Provided below…

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Tribunal reforms & Trade Marks Act

Tribunals Reforms Ordinance 2021 and amendments to the Trade Marks Act, 1999

The President of India on the 4th of April 2021 promulgated the “THE TRIBUNALS REFORMS (RATIONALISATION AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDINANCE, 2021”.  With the passing of this ordinance, Tribunals set up under the Cinematograph Act, 1952, the Customs Act, 1962, the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and certain other Acts have now effectively been rendered defunct with immediate effect. Provided below…

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The featured image shows a closed signboard. Th image has been used in consonance with the closure of the Tribunals through TRIBUNALS REFORMS (RATIONALISATION AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDINANCE, 2021

President promulgates Tribunals reforms Ordinance, IPAB goes defunct with immediate effect

The President of India on the 4th of April 2021 promulgated the “THE TRIBUNALS REFORMS (RATIONALISATION AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ORDINANCE, 2021 ”. With the passing of this ordinance, Tribunals set up under the Cinematograph Act, 1952, the Customs Act, 1962, the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994, the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and certain other Acts have now effectively been rendered defunct with immediate effect. The ordinance has…

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Image for Green Cross Holdings vs. Controller of Patents and Deputy Controller of Patents

Inventive Step of an Invention Analysed

This post was first published on 16th July, 2014. We will today discuss a case in the Indian Patent history that showcases how the IPAB and the IPO analyse the Inventive Step or Obviousness of an invention. Green Cross Holdings (Appellant) v/s Controller of Patents and Deputy Controller of Patents (Respondents) Case: This judgment, passed on June 18th,  2014 by the IPAB, was based on an appeal made by Green Cross Holdings against the order made by Deputy Controller of Patents on…

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Denial of Opportunity to be Heard Violates Principle of Natural Justice

This post was first published on 16th July, 2014.   Today, we will take a look at a case where the IPAB ruled in favor of the appellant, remanding the case back to the Controller on the principle of natural justice! Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson (Publ) (Appellant) v/s Controller General of Patents and The Assistant Controller of Patents (Respondents) Case: This particular order is in response to an appeal filed by Ericsson against the order passed by The Assistant Controller of Patents rejecting the…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

A Round table on “Protection of Traditional Knowledge / Traditional Cultural Expression – Evolving a Sui-Generis Model for India

First Publication Date: 27th January 2010 A Round Table conference on Protection of Traditional knowledge was concluded recently (January 25-26, 2010) at National Law School of India University, Bangalore. The two day conference was held for the deliberations on the Sui-Generis Model developed for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge / Traditional Cultural Expression. One of the highlights of the discussion was The Traditional Knowledge (Protection and Regulation to Access) bill 2009 (Hereinafter called as “Bill”) drafted by NLSIU, Bangalore. To leave…

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