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A doped order on method of doping, court clarifies

A doped order on method of doping, court clarifies

The Madras High Court confirmed the Patent Office’s rejection of IIT Madras’s patent for a method of doping potassium into ammonium perchlorate. The Court agreed with the rejection based on Sections 3(d) and 2(1)(ja) of the Patents Act, but noted procedural shortcomings in the handling of the case. Continue Reading A doped order on method of doping, court clarifies

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  “Indian patent statistics, Interesting inventions, IIT Madras to host Shaastra Summit, Qualcomm forced to license its patents to rivals, USPTO’s new Sponsorship Tool to give other members access to the Patent Electronic System, USPTO grants a patent to a composition containing Cannabis and other Weekly Patent News updates,” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Design Quote of the Week "Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” – Paul Rand, American…

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