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Latest Trademark Cases in 2021 - Part 12

Latest Trademark Cases in 2021 – Part 12

Pidilite Industries Limited v. Platinum Waltech Limited The Plaintiff filed this suit against the Defendant seeking relief in trade mark, copyright and designs combined with causes of action in passing off in each. The Plaintiff was a well-known manufacturer of products relating to the construction and paint industry and had a worldwide presence since 1969. The Plaintiff had several trademarks related to its products which included the DR FIXIT mark with a distinctive device of a man wearing a yellow…

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The image depicts the letters T and M as the post is about trademarks and distinctiveness and dilution. Click here to read the post.

Should Distinctiveness Have Anything to Do with Dilution – By Nandan Pendsey, IP Attorney, USA

Evolution of Dilution as a Remedy: The theory of Dilution as a means of protecting a trademark was first propounded by Frank Schechter in his research article, “The Rational Basis for Trademark Protection”. He advocates in this article that the real function of trademark law is to identify a product as satisfactory and thereby stimulate further purchases by the consuming public. He further says that the real injury to a trademark is the gradual whittling away or dispersion of its…

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