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Image accompanying blogpost on "Authors, Copyright and Royalty Share : The Calcutta High Court gives clarity"

Authors, Copyright and Royalty Share : The Calcutta High Court gives clarity

The Calcutta High Court’s landmark decision in Vodafone v. Saregama clarifies the royalty rights of authors of literary and musical works. The ruling states that authors are entitled to royalties regardless of when their works were created or the nature of copyright ownership transfers. Continue Reading Authors, Copyright and Royalty Share : The Calcutta High Court gives clarity

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The image has a sheet of paper with text stating "Copyright License Agreement". The post contains notes relevant to Copyright Amendment Act 2012. Click on image to view post.

Version Recordings & Cover Versions – Part IV: Notes on Copyright Amendment, 2012

This post was first published on 27th June, 2014.   The Copyright Amendment of 2012 moved the provisions with respect to cover versions of sound recordings out of fair dealing provisions under Section 52, into a specific statutory license provision. Making version recordings, re-recording of prior sound recordings, was earlier permitted under the Copyright Law, but codifying it as a statutory license provision formalizes the said activity in many ways. Furthermore, Section 31C, which deals with statutory licenses for cover versions clearly…

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The image has a huge copyright sign at the center of it. The post is about copyright assignment. Click on image to view post.

Copyright Assignment & Licenses – Part II

This post was first published on 26th June, 2014.   This post is in continuation of my earlier post regarding the meaning and principles behind copyright assignments in India. In this post, we will be specifically addressing the factors that should be taken into account while preparing an Assignment Deed and License Agreement. Section 19 of the Copyright Act, 1957 as amended in 2012, lists certain exhaustive factors that should be taken into consideration by the parties involved, while preparing an Assignment…

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This Image depicts the Copyright License Agreement. . This Image is relevant as the article deals with the Section 31(d) of the Copyrights Amendment Act,2012. Click on this Image for more Information.

Broadcasting Licenses under Sec. 31D of Copyright Amendment Act, 2012

This post was first published on 4th September, 2014.   The Copyright Amendment Act, 2012 has incorporated a new section into Chapter VI of the Copyright Act, which authorizes the Copyright Board to grant licenses to communicate to the public by way of performance of a literary or musical work and sound recording, which has already been published after paying Royalty fixed by the Board. One question that is frequently raised with respect to this section is its relevance and applicability  to…

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Copyright x

Technological Protection Measures

  The Copyright Act, 1957 went through a major change in 2012. The amendment harmonised the copyright law with the “Internet Treaties”- the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT), making it capable of facing challenges posed by digital technologies. The Copyright Act, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’) added new Sections, 65A and 65B, for protection against dodging of technological measures and protection of rights management information respectively. The provision under Section 65A sets out…

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