Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image reads Basics of patent process as the post contains a PPT on the same. To read more click here.

Patent Law-Basics of Patent Process- A PPT by Somashekar Ramakrishna at NLSIU

The following presentation was delivered by Mr. Somashekar Ramakrishna, Partner BananaIP Counsels, at National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU), as a part of the Patent law course offered for PGDIP students. The presentation titled “Basic of Patent Process”covers the following topics: Patent Process Filing Publication Examination Pre-Grant Opposition Grant Post-Grant Opposition Other concepts such as-Statement of undertaking, Divisional application, Patent of addition, Working of Patents Exercises About…

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The post contains a ppt on patent infringement analysis. To read more click here.

Patent Law- Patent Infringement Analysis- A PPT by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala at NLSIU

The following presentation was delivered by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala, Managing Partner BananaIP Counsels, at National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU), as a part of the Patent law course offered for PGDIP students. The presentation titled “Patent Infringement Analysis”covers the following topics: Patent Rights Infringement Direct Infringement Claim Construction Claim Elements Is this product infringing? Doctrine of Equivalence Lalabhai v. Chimanlal Indirect Infringement Defenses FTO Analysis …

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The image is of a man's head and a light bulb above it. The post is about ideas and ip audits. To read more click here.

Finding Ideas, Inventions and Creations in Companies – IP Audits XII

Intellectual Property (IP) is like any other business tool, and a company must know how to use it to gain business and financial value. Simply put, Intellectual Property can add value to a company, provided the company wants it to add value, invests in IP appropriately, and knows how to derive value from IP. Many companies lose out on value from intellectual property because of lack of commitment, investment or knowledge. Value of IP Audits As outlined earlier, an IP…

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The image reads patent search as the post contains a ppt about patent search. To read more click here.

Patent Law- Patent Search- A Presentation by Mr. Nitin Nair at NLSIU

The following presentation was delivered by Mr. Nitin Nair, Partner BananaIP Counsels, at National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU), as a part of the Patent law course offered for PGDIP students. The presentation titled “Patent Search “covers the following topics: Patent Search Search Databases Search Methodology Keyword Searches Keyword Searches –Example Classification based searches Types of classification Google Patent Search USPTO search Tips Types of Searches …

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The image says start up 2016 as the post is about startups and patents. To read more click here.

StartUp India: Patents and Business

In the past year the Indian startup industry has made tremendous strides with some large acquisitions, layoffs, new entries from abroad, move towards app only solutions and sky high valuations. One thing however has been clear; the focus continues to be on technology based enablement of services and solutions, or consumer internet, and such a focus will continue for the next several years. Intellectual property, particularly patents, can become an essential part of a startups’ foundation, identify, USP and…

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The image is of a weighing machine with help written where the weight is displayed. The post is about weight loss patents.To read more click here

Shedding those extra pounds the patent way- Weight Loss Patents I

  Hello there Sinapse readers! If you are one of those people who have included “losing some weight” as one of your resolutions this year, this post should definitely be of interest to you. Losing weight can be a tedious task. From crazy celebrity diets to outrageous workout routines to any of the latest weight loss fads, we’ve all been there and done that. Haven’t we? In this post we bring to you some of the patented inventions whose primary objective…

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The image says IP Audits/Mining and Business Value. The post contains a presentation made on the same. Please click to read more.

IP Audits/Mining and Business Value- A Presentation by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala at CII

The following presentation titled “IP Audits/Mining and Business Value”, was delivered Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala (Managing Partner, BananaIP Counsels) at a conference on intellectual property management organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The presentation was given to an audience consisting of participants from MNCs, corporates, MSMEs, innovation, IPR research and consulting firms / institutes, R&D companies, IP consultants, academic institutions, scientists etc. The presentation covered the following topics. Just One Layer Experience of IP Audits Purpose…

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The image says news as the it is about lastest IP policy for start-ups unveiled recently. To read more click here.

Patent and Other Government Policy for Start-Ups

  On 16th January, 2016, Prime Minister of India unveiled the Government's Start-Up policy. The primary objective of the policy is to promote economic growth and employment opportunities. To promote a culture of starting up, the Prime Minister announced the following among others: Three Year Tax cuts for Start-Ups, which are started after March, 2016; Quick start and quick closure of start-ups. It was announced that one can start in a day and close in 90days; Self-attestations for…

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The image says audit as the post is about IP audits. To read more click here.

Finding Ideas, Inventions and Creations in Companies – IP Audits VII

Case Experience 4 - IP Audits for SMEs (Project for UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)) The case experiences are based on the 120 audits we had performed in India over the last ten years. The audits gave us invaluable insights into the role of IP in business in the Indian context, and we have tried to encapsulate some basic results/learnings at a macro level through these experiences. The names of companies and business details have been consciously avoided to…

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Finding Ideas, Inventions and Creations in Companies: IP Audits VI

Case Experience 3 - IP Audit for a Start Up The case experiences are based on the 120 audits we had performed in India over the last ten years. The audits gave us invaluable insights into the role of IP in business in the Indian context, and we have tried to encapsulate some basic results/learnings at a macro level through these experiences. The names of companies and business details have been consciously avoided to comply with confidentiality covenants and professional…

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