Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The featured image is the symbol of Net Neutrality. The post is about the negative aspects of TRAIs decision on net neutrality. To read more click here.

TRAI’s Ban on Differential Pricing – The other side of Net Neutrality

  Thomas, in his earlier post shared his views on the beneficial aspects of TRAI’s Ban on Differential Pricing. However, in this post I will try to bring forth the arguments of those in favor of differential pricing and how these arguments may be justified keeping in mind the Indian economy. The whole country had been discussing back and forth with various ongoing campaigns of all kinds about Net Neutrality. The recent TRAI order prohibits all such data services which provided access to…

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The Image says hashtag net neutrality now.The post is about net neutrality. To read more click here.

The Bigger Picture: Benefits of TRAI’s Ban on Differential Pricing Based on Content

As the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) ruling, dated 8th February, 2016, on differential data pricing has temporarily settled the long standing debate concerning net neutrality in India, which has been covered in our previous post, we shall analyse the positive outcomes of the said ruling for the businesses in India. Before we begin the analysis, let us briefly revisit the concepts of ‘net neutrality’ and ‘differential pricing’. Net neutrality is a concept that aims at ensuring…

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Freedom 251 promotional image. The post is about patent infringment. to read more click here.

Ringing Bells and Freedom 251 – Free From All IP Concerns? – Part II

  Patents on Mobile Phones Our previous post gave an introduction to the Freedom 251 phone controversy and how it is making waves in the IP quarters.  Now let’s analyze things from the patent perspective. Reports published in January, 2016 indicate that India’s mobile subscriber population has crossed the 1 billion mark and is growing. India also is home for the second largest population in terms of Internet user base, overtaking the US. Statistics as of December, 2015 indicate that out of…

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Freedom 251 promotional image. The post is about patent infringment. to read more click here.

Ringing Bells and Freedom 251 – Free From Patent and IP Concerns? – Part I

The launch of Freedom 251, the Rs. 251 (about 4 dollars) mobile phone has set off a storm in India. Consumers eager to get one for themselves have been hounding the website in numbers that the website has now crashed. Ringing Bells, the company that launched the phone, has either not planned, or not expected such a response. While Ringing Bells tries to clear out the web crash issue, trouble has started brewing from IP quarters. Many IP and patent…

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The Image says hashtag net neutrality now.The post is about net neutrality. To read more click here.

TRAI’s Net Neutrality Regulation: How will this impact existing services?

On 8th February, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released regulations and an associated explanation memorandum prohibiting discriminatory tariff for data services. We had earlier posted about the decision of TRAI here.  In this post, we are analysing how the decision affects the existing services offered by various Telecom Service Providers (TSP) such as Airtel Zero, Free Basics and specific data packs. What is Net Neutrality? Network Neutrality is the principle that states that the entire…

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The image is of a weighing machine with help written where the weight is displayed. The post is about weight loss patents.To read more click here

Staying in Shape: Weight Loss Patents IV

  Hello there dear readers, it’s Wednesday again and we are back with some more patents which aim at helping you burn that unhealthy fat and get in shape.  While they do not promise a chiseled you in 7 days, they can surely get you closer to that desired look. Let us begin with the first invention - titled “Exercise device”. The invention as disclosed in US 12/341,636 relates to a device for exercising. More particularly this invention relates to a yoga prop used formulation dimensional…

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px Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar  x

Copyright Controversy Over Dr. B.R.Ambedkar’s Work

To celebrate the 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar the Centre wants to re-publish his original collected work of Bhimrao Ambedkar’s “Sampoorn Dandmay” (writings and speeches). However, the Centre’s plans have been dampened by the copyright tussle involving the aforementioned work. The Centre is facing some strict opposition from Prakash Ambedkar, grandson of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar who is the copyright holder and who has refused to allow printing of the original collected works in English. Earlier the Maharashtra government signed…

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 cccfba z  x

Historical Patents: To Pin or Not to Pin

A destitute man was nervously twisting a brass wire in his work-shed, trying to think of something that would help him pay off his debt, when an idea struck him. The man was Walter Hunt, and the idea was a dress pin, which we know as the modern safety pin. In his patent filing for the safety pin, Hunt described the invention of “a pin made of one piece of wire or metal combining a spring, and clasp or catch,”…

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This image shows two hearts and the words Happy Valentines day, To read more click here.

Valentines Day Gifts (Love Patents IX): Happy Valentine’s Day!

The day has finally arrived! Hearts, roses, gifts, curious onlookers, etc. are all over the street. It looks like there is nothing in this world to be prized more than true love. On this special occasion of proposing your love and to make the special ones feel more special, here comes a patented invention for all those who believe in love. The patented invention being discussed here is filed in the US with the Application number – US 11362934 and…

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The image says Happy Valentines Day. The post is about love patents. To read more click here.

Valentines Day Gifts (Love Patents VIII): The Big Day

It’s the Valentine’s day and many of you might be putting best efforts to impress your partner or partner-to-be. You might have realized the role of effective communication in relationships. What you communicate and the way you communicate can really make an impact and can make someone fall in love with you. As the technology has evolved, there are variety of options for people to communicate each other, which includes audio and/video conferencing mechanisms as well. However, no matter how…

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