Best Intellectual Property Blogs – IP Iustitia


As we draw to the end of the year, we would like to draw this series of Intellectual Property updates to a close as well. I would like to take this opportunity to firstly thank all our readers for their continued interest and support, Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala for his guidance and most valuable comments on the featured Intellectual Property (IP) blogs and most importantly the founders/ the authors of the featured IP blogs for providing relevant details with respect to their IP blogs.


The IP blog that we would like to feature in this post is known as “IP Iustitia. Iustitia means justice, fairness or equity. In this context IP Iustitia would actually mean IP justice. The IP blog aims to discuss, explain and expand on current developments within the field of IP law, and to also revisit old land mark cases (relevant or not today), and to give a broader overview of the topic to both laymen and professionals alike.


The (IP) blog was founded by Jani Ihalainen in March 2013. Jani describes his intentions on founding the (IP) blog in his welcome note. He says “the dynamic nature of topics (in IP law) constantly change, evolve and influence the modern world we live in. Due to this impact I found it interesting to attempt to aid those interested to understand the topics more, and for the ones more knowledgeable to keep up with further developments. Legal topics tend to be tough to read, so I’ll attempt to approach the subject with a light-hearted view, while still trying to keep the substance there. I will discuss items of interest as they happen, but I will also do Retrospectives, where I will look at cases from days past, and discuss their influence and why they mattered. I might also touch on cases of interest, not necessarily because of legal precedent, but because of facts that some might find entertaining.”


When one reads Jani’s introduction to the (IP) blog, it becomes very clear that the (IP) blog’s ultimate objective is to keep everyone abreast with the latest Intellectual Property developments and to help everyone understand what IP means and what IP law is all about. Jani has another credit to his name – he is a guest Kat on the famous intellectual property law blog, IPKat (also covered in this series),  and writes articles covering topics in copyright, patent, trade mark, info-tech and privacy/confidentiality issues.


Although the (IP) blog is still in its infancy, it has often been cited as the best IP resource for IP professionals, practitioners and students. Jani single handedly manages the (IP) blog and has done a great job with it. The (IP) blog is undoubtedly a great read. It covers not only the most basic things in IP but also things that require a higher degree or level of analysis.


With that being said, it is therefore only very obvious that we congratulate Jani on his good work. We at SiNApSE appreciate Jani and his work in spreading the knowledge of IP to as many people as possible. I would like to personally appreciate the weblog for ensuring a revisit to the basics of IP law, time and again. Great job Mr. Jani.


And to all our dear readers – HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Authored by Gaurav Mishra



  • January 11, 2016 Posted
    Jani Ihalainen

    Dear Gaurav,
    I only just came across this article, and would like to thank you for mentioning me in such illustrious circles of IP professionals. I’m always glad to hear people enjoy my humble meanderings, and will keep doing my part for the IP community!

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