Erotic Patents – Sex Patents II

Following the earlier post in the series – Sex Patents 1, we bring to our readers a series of patents applied and granted, primarily in USA, with respect to love making, sex and eroticism. Please do not try them without appropriate research. All patents are not necessarily workable without due experimentation.

Sex, Consent, Patents
Consent is everything in sex. Here is a patent that enables one to capture consent before having sex.

A device to record evidence of consent given by a person consenting to engage in a sexual act. – WO 2002015785

An evidence of consent device being configured for use by a person consenting to engage in a sexual act, the device being characterized by: means configurable to contain at least one condom; means to record at least one fingerprint on the person; means to record the date of the consent; whereby the evidence of the person giving consent to engage in the sexual act is provided by the recording of at least one fingerprint of the person on the device and the recording of the date of consent given by the person on the device.

This patented device enables one to capture consent by fingerprint. Good one to have on hand. Is it irrefutable evidence?

Sex Game Patent
Games have long been part of love making. Here is a patented game with respect to sexual etiquette. Couples may consider playing this modified cards game for fun.

Sexual etiquette game apparatus and method – United States Patent: 5375846

Game playing apparatus includes a set of cards each bearing a descriptive synopsis of a potentially ambiguous or embarrassing situational dilemma involving sexual etiquette. Also provided are a set of role play cards each instructing the players to assume the sexual role indicated symbolically on the card and answer the current question accordingly. Players are dealt four or five dilemma cards each and the role play cards are placed accessibly between the players. Each player in turn reads aloud the situation described on a card and shares his or her opinion on how the dilemma should best be resolved. If the other players are in general agreement with the resolution, the round is over and the next player reads and responds to one of his or her situation cards. If one or more players differ with the resolution posed, the dealer calls for and moderates an open discussion on the merits of alternative solutions.

At any time during the discussion period any player may have his or her opinion challenged as sex-biased by any other player and required to rephrase his or her answer from the viewpoint of the opposite sex. Play continues until all dealt cards have been discussed whereupon each player rates himself and each of the other players’ perceived sexual sensitivity. The player with the highest total is deemed “winner” with the privilege of posing any sexual dilemma of his or her choice to the group.

It is a group game as disclosed in the patent, and may be a good aid for sexual education.

Patent on Stimulating Sex Dress
Now, we move from games to clothes. Here is a patent that deals with a dress for sexual stimulation.

Feminine garment with sexually stimulating effect – United States Patent: 6067663

Feminine garment with sexual stimulation effect characterized in that it is worn on the waist, buttocks and pubis of a woman, including a piece that surrounds the waist, provided with a ring at a front central part to which is joined or attached the front extremity of a perineal necklace having one or more rows of beads passing over the pubis between the legs and buttocks of a woman, the rear extremity being linked to the center of the rear part of the woman’s back. The walking motion or the movement of the legs causes a friction on the external genital parts, thereby producing sexual stimulation on the wearer. The garment is intended to provide sexual, ludic or erotic therapy.
The patent is aimed at providing erotic therapy. All a person needs to do is wear the dress and walk around.

Patent on Remote Sex
Another patent talks about controlling sexual aids remotely. This might be a useful invention for couples looking to have sex while one of the partners is travelling.

Method and device for interactive virtual control of sexual aids using digital computer networks – US 6368268

An interactive virtual sexual stimulation system has one or more user interfaces. Each user interface generally comprises a computer having an input device, video camera, and transmitter. The transmitter is used to interface the computer with one or more sexual stimulation devices, which are also located at the user interface. In accordance with the preferred embodiment, a person at a first user interface controls the stimulation device(s) located at a second user interface. The first and second user interfaces may be connected, for instance, through a web site on the Internet. In another embodiment, a person at a user interface may interact with a prerecorded video feed. The invention is implemented by software that is stored at the computer
of the user interface, or at a web site accessed through the Internet.

This patent has been the subject of litigation. We will bring details to you in our next post.

Sex, Music and Patent
For music lovers, there is a patent that combines music and beats with vibrators. This allows a user to set a music and control vibrator movements based on the music. You can just sway to the music, and this music is not just for your ears.

Music massager – United States Patent: 6027463

The Music Massager is a system that interacts with a full spectrum of audio signals. The system contains, input process or band-pass discriminators, post processors including fixed or variable threshold detection, music beat pattern detectors, and beat enhancer to control vibrators. The post processor contains various syntheses of massage patterns, beat rhythm, dynamic non-linear signal operator, re-mapping of signal pass between detected band-passed signal to the output vibrator devices, combined with re-synthesized vibrating action operates in concert with music or sound beat and rhythm. The system offers the user selectivity of vibrator modes to respond to easy listening, moderate or hard beating rock or jazz. The user beat pattern programmability allows it to customize the vibrator mood to be modified in tune with the user’s mood and rhythm of the selected music.

Patent on Safe Sex
More often than not, safety may be forgotten when desire is very high. This patent ensures that sex is always safe.

Safe sex assurance devices – United States Patent: 5845642

A device which is worn as an undergarment which cannot be removed without destroying the device. The device is worn in order to guarantee that the wearer has been sexually faithful to ones partner. The device comprises a plurality of loop members and a plurality of longitudinal members interconnecting the plurality of loop members. The device also has a testicle retaining ring having a locking member disposed thereon and attached to one of the longitudinal members. The locking member adjusts and maintains a selected circumference of the retaining ring.

Patent to Control Pre-mature Ejaculation
Pre-mature ejaculation is one of the most common problems faced by men today. Several studies indicate that this problem is increasing by the day due to work pressure and life style. Here is a patent that helps in managing the problem.

Device for controlling premature ejaculation – United States Patent: 5468212

A device for preventing premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse includes a convex saddle with flanges of rubber at front and rear, the flanges having a flexibility sufficient for it to be removably located on the penis and hard enough to provide the same or similar texture and feel of the penile surface, the front flange of the device being shaped complementally to the rear of the glans, and having an elasticity for imparting a sufficient inward pressure to control premature ejaculation.

Patent on Sex Seats
Couples often face problems with postures and end up with back aches. Also, some sex sessions can be long and tiring. Here is a patent that talks about a two seat assembly that makes sex less tiring, convenient and enjoyable. This is a good gift for newly wedded couple.

Couple’s intimacy reciprocating and pivoting two seat assembly – United States Patent: 5385154

An intimacy chair assembly and method to assist a human couple to engage in sexual intercourse with reduced effect of gravity or the reduced expenditure of substantial energy including a pair of facing seats for the couple, the assembly being capable of reciprocating movement of at least one seat selectively continually toward and away from the other seat in a substantially longitudinal direction and of selectively continually pivoting said one seat about an upright axis.

Patent on Sharing Sexual Experiences
The last patent in this post is a method of shared erotic and sexual experience. Not a recommended method for private individuals.

Method of shared erotic experience and facilities for same – United States Patent: 6805663

A method of sharing erotic experiences includes providing a building with a number of compartments, entertainment viewable from inside the compartments and surround sound music audible throughout the building, participants entering the building and go to the compartments, starting the entertainment at a proscribed time, and turning on the power from a central control booth at a proscribed time to a stimulation device for sexual pleasure found in each of the compartments. The facilities are such that sounds from the participants are transferred between the compartments, such that couples or individuals in one compartment can hear others in the building also experiencing intense sexual pleasure. The individual compartments may further contain a whirlpool tub with jets starting at a proscribed time. Importantly, security is provided to maintain order in the building, and regular cleaning and sanitizing of the compartments and stimulation device is provided.

We close this post with these patents. Note that there are hundreds of patents on love making and sex. It is a private, yet an important aspect of every one’s life.

Disclaimer: The post merely provides information, and patents provided in these posts may not be worked without exercising due care. Also, BananaIP does not endorse any of the patented methods.

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