Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image is of a placard on a Kingfisher airlines ticket counter which says 'counter closed' as the post is about the kingfisher trademarks. To read more click here.

Will the Kingfisher brand take off?

  Kingfisher Airlines has been flying low in the news recently. It is a known fact that its founder Mr. Vijay Mallya has been labelled as a defaulter for being unable to repay loans taken from several Indian banks and being charged with money laundering. The entity, Kingfisher Airlines, owes close to INR 9000 crores, including interest to these banks. The company has not been able to payback its dues as it has become a defunct company. The banks, after an unsuccessful attempt…

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The featured image shows a thief stealing some data. The post is about cybersquatting in general and talks about the case of domain name dispute of Jimmy choo. To read more click here.

‘Choo’ Only What You Can

Cybersquatting is no stranger to us, considering the increasing number of cybersquatting incidents that have come to light in the recent years.  Cybersquatting is registering, using or selling of a domain name with the intention of benefiting from the name, popularity or goodwill of another’s business, trademark or brand. The Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) has been established in the United States to protect the trademark owners from the unlawful actions of cybersquatters. The Act prohibits such practice as registering…

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The image is of a stop sign with a man screaming stop and his hand gesturing stop as the post is about the staying of all TM registry's abandonment orders by the Delhi High Court. To read more click here.

Delhi HC stays abandonment orders issued by the TM Registry

  As all of you may be aware, we have been covering all latest developments about the hasty mass abandonment of trademark applications by the Trade Mark Registry on a regular basis. As per the Registry, such action was taken due to the non-receipt of trademark responses to Examination Reports, within the statutory limit of 30 days. Earlier this week we reported about the public notice issued by the Controller General of Patents Trademarks and Designs stating the following- “It is…

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The featured image is of a hashtag as the post is about hashtag trademarks. To read more click here.

Keep your hashtags safe!

What is a hashtag? Well you don’t want be caught asking that question in the ‘Twitter era’! While some Twitter users might think you have probably been living under a rock, we’ll clarify your doubts. A hashtag, popularized by Twitter of course is a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#) which is widely used on social media to identify messages or posts or “tweets” relating to a particular topic.  It is a great way for a number…

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The featured image is of a surprised cat, as the post is about the subbed mass abandonment of TM application my trademark office. To read more click here.

The Immaculate Trade Mark Office and the Mystery of the Abandoned TM Applications

In a follow up to the mass abandonment of trade mark applications the Sinapse Team was informed by a source that a group of lawyers in Mumbai had approached the Controller General of Patents Trademarks and Designs today, to convey their grievances regarding the mass abandonment of applications. However, the group was informed that the Controller was not available/accessible to discuss this (pressing) issue. Secondly, the lawyers were also instructed to nominate a representative from amongst them, who could speak…

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The featured image is of the lion capital of ashoka pillar which is the national emblem of India. The post is about the new public notice issued by the TM registry with respect to the wrongful issuing of abandonment orders for multiple Trade marks. To read more click here.

Trade Mark Office issues public notice regarding mass abandonment of applications

Following the en masse abandonment of trade mark applications the office of the CGPTD has issued a public notice, today 4th April, 2016, ‘relating to “treating applications as abandoned” in want of reply to Examination Report containing office objection within prescribed period.’ In the notice it is stated that as per the requirements of the Trademarks Act, 1999 all such application where the examination responses, to the examination reports of such applications, were not received within the 30 days time…

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The featured image is of the lion capital of ashoka pillar which is the national emblem of India. The post is about the new public notice issued by the TM registry with respect to the wrongful issuing of abandonment orders for multiple Trade marks. To read more click here.

En Masse Abandonment of Trade Mark Applications by the Indian Trade Mark Office

  It has been brought to the notice of SiNApSE Team that  numerous trade mark applications have been abandoned by the Indian Trade Mark Office in one shot. One person estimates the number to be more than 1.5 lakh applications. The reason as stated by one source is that the trade mark applications  are showing as abandoned because examination responses were not filed on time. One lawyer reports that the Trade Mark officials are claiming that all examination reports, which have…

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COLLINS Lionsgate

Lionsgate v. Ameritrade: A classic case of copyright claims dressed in TM claims’ clothing

Spoofs have had a long history of getting into trouble. So it’s no surprise that when brokerage giant TD Ameritrade tried to put a cheeky spin on the iconic line “Nobody puts Baby in the corner”, Lionsgate was not so forgiving. We had initially covered the matter , back in July, 2015 when Lionsgate filed an infringement suit against Ameritrade in Los Angeles. Just to jog your memory and for our younger readers, who might not be familiar with the film…

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The featured image is of the trademark symbols- tm, r . The post is abouT change in the name of Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) to European Union Intellectual Property Office. please click here to read more.

From OHIM to EUIPO – OHIM’s New Trademark Reform

The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), the office for registering Trade Marks and Designs in the European Union, will undergo major changes including change in the name of the office to “European Union Intellectual Property Office” (EUIPO) and the name of the Community Trade Marks (CTM) to “European Union Trade Marks” (EUTM). The OHIM website, from 22nd to 23rd March 2016, will be updating its online application system to implement the changes in the legal process as…

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The image depicts IP India's logo. The post is about new biotech guidelines from indian patent office. Click on the image to read the full post.

CGPDT and DSLSA join hands to dispose of pending IP disputes

  There is no doubt that there is a backlog of cases at various IP offices in India. Recently some initiatives have been taken to make India’s IP dispute resolution system speedier and more efficient. The initiatives come from two fronts-Commercial Courts and Mediation. The Civil Procedure Code (Amendment) Act, 1999 introduced Section 89, which speaks about arbitration, conciliation and mediation as alternative dispute settlement mechanisms. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (modeled on the lines of the UNCITRAL Model Law)…

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