The Delhi High Court has recently vacated an ex-parte ad-interim injunction in the case of Apple Inc. v. Rohit Singh & Another.Rohit Singh, a software developer and consultant at Vyooh Low Level Computing LLP, initiated an action of passing off against Apple Inc. for using the mark ‘Split View’ or a deceptively similar variant in relation to its software products.
Rohit Singh developed three proprietary software products, Split View, Disk View and View Scribe respectively. Vyooh claimed that Splitview has…
The recent entertainment IP legal battle pertains to Beyoncé suing Feyoncé Inc, for sale of T-shirts, hoodies, tank tops and other clothing items, and engagement mugs bearing words "Feyoncé” confusingly similar to her registered mark “Beyoncé” and bearing the famous lines “He put a ring on it” from her most popular song “Single Ladies”.
Beyoncé brought a suit for injunction against the Defendants Feyoncé Inc - a Texas based company involved in selling online merchandise, for willful trademark infringement, unfair…
Last week we reported about the recent Delhi High Court order dated 05/04/2016 regarding the recent abandonment of multiple trademark application by the Trade Mark Registry. Ruling on Writ Petitions WP (C) 3043/2016 & 3067/2016, the Delhi High Court stayed the abandonment of all trademark application on or after 20/03/2016.
A quick recap for all readers who have not been following the story- The Trade Mark Registry had recently abandoned numerous applications under Rule 38 (5) of the Trade Marks…
Kingfisher Airlines has been flying low in the news recently. It is a known fact that its founder Mr. Vijay Mallya has been labelled as a defaulter for being unable to repay loans taken from several Indian banks and being charged with money laundering. The entity, Kingfisher Airlines, owes close to INR 9000 crores, including interest to these banks. The company has not been able to payback its dues as it has become a defunct company. The banks, after an unsuccessful attempt…
Cybersquatting is no stranger to us, considering the increasing number of cybersquatting incidents that have come to light in the recent years. Cybersquatting is registering, using or selling of a domain name with the intention of benefiting from the name, popularity or goodwill of another’s business, trademark or brand. The Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) has been established in the United States to protect the trademark owners from the unlawful actions of cybersquatters. The Act prohibits such practice as registering…
As all of you may be aware, we have been covering all latest developments about the hasty mass abandonment of trademark applications by the Trade Mark Registry on a regular basis. As per the Registry, such action was taken due to the non-receipt of trademark responses to Examination Reports, within the statutory limit of 30 days.
Earlier this week we reported about the public notice issued by the Controller General of Patents Trademarks and Designs stating the following-
“It is…
What is a hashtag?
Well you don’t want be caught asking that question in the ‘Twitter era’! While some Twitter users might think you have probably been living under a rock, we’ll clarify your doubts. A hashtag, popularized by Twitter of course is a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#) which is widely used on social media to identify messages or posts or “tweets” relating to a particular topic. It is a great way for a number…
In a follow up to the mass abandonment of trade mark applications the Sinapse Team was informed by a source that a group of lawyers in Mumbai had approached the Controller General of Patents Trademarks and Designs today, to convey their grievances regarding the mass abandonment of applications. However, the group was informed that the Controller was not available/accessible to discuss this (pressing) issue. Secondly, the lawyers were also instructed to nominate a representative from amongst them, who could speak…
Following the en masse abandonment of trade mark applications the office of the CGPTD has issued a public notice, today 4th April, 2016, ‘relating to “treating applications as abandoned” in want of reply to Examination Report containing office objection within prescribed period.’
In the notice it is stated that as per the requirements of the Trademarks Act, 1999 all such application where the examination responses, to the examination reports of such applications, were not received within the 30 days time…
It has been brought to the notice of SiNApSE Team that numerous trade mark applications have been abandoned by the Indian Trade Mark Office in one shot. One person estimates the number to be more than 1.5 lakh applications. The reason as stated by one source is that the trade mark applications are showing as abandoned because examination responses were not filed on time.
One lawyer reports that the Trade Mark officials are claiming that all examination reports, which have…