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The featured image shows the mark TM. The post is about latest Trademark news. To know more , please click here.

Trademark News

Hello Readers!! There has been a lot that has been brewing over the past few weeks with respect to trademarks. We have decided to recapitulate the trademark news which have recently hit the headlines with our new segment, Weekly Trends. Let us take a quick look at what happened in the past weeks, with this weekly update. Supreme Court to decide soon on a two decade old trademark dispute On September 30th, 2016 the Supreme Court of India agreed to hear…

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The featured image shows the logo of Yahoo Inc. The post is about the recent judgment of the Delhi High Court in a trademark infringement suit between Yahoo and an Indian Firm. To know more, please click here.

Yahoo! Inc wins Trademark Lawsuit against Indian Firm AFPL

The Delhi High Court has recently restrained an Indian firm, M/s Apricot Foods Pvt. Ltd (AFPL) from using the trademark 'Yahoo' in relation to any of its products. It is a well known fact that the trademark 'Yahoo' is owned by the technology giant, Yahoo Inc., headquartered in Sunnyvale, California,U.S. Yahoo Inc. also known as Yahoo! or YAHOO!, has been using the trademark 'Yahoo' since 1994. This judgment given by the Delhi High Court is a result of the suit which…

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The featured image shows the words thank you written on a small piece of paper. The psot is about the recent trademark dispute between Citigroup and AT&T with respect to the use of the word ''Thank you''. To know more, please click here.

“Thank You” AT&T and CitiGroup

  We have come across a lot of bizarre Intellectual Property litigations in the past and the recent trademark dispute involving the banking giant Citigroup and the technology giant AT&T is no different from being considered as one such litigation. It is to be noted that Citigroup had earlier applied for the trademark "THANKYOU". Surprisingly they were able to get this phrase trademarked to use it in relation to their goods and services. However, AT&T allegedly used the mark "Thanks" in…

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The featured image shows a showroom of Specsavers. The post is about a recent trademark approval by Specsavers. To know more, please click here.

Specsavers gets Approval for ‘should’ve’

The UK Intellectual Property office has given its approval for the usage of the word 'should've' by Specsavers. Specsavers had applied to trademark the words ‘should’ve’ and ‘should have’ to protect its famous slogan. Specsavers has been using the word 'should’ve' in its slogan since the year 2003 and had always planned to trademark the same. Specsavers was started in 1984 by Doug Perkins and his wife Mary and currently has 1,750 stores in 10 countries with a turning over…

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The featured image shows the five rings of olympics. The post is about the rules regarding use of the word 'Rio 2016 ' in social websites , issued by the Olympics Committee. To know more, please click here.

RIO 2016 and Trademarks

  The Rio Olympics, 2016 are in full swing and this news might serve as a warning to large number of brands throughout the globe. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) have warned both the athletes and the businesses who are not official sponsors of the Olympics, against using the Olympic trademarks in their marketing campaigns or on any other kind of forums, particularly social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This might be understood…

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The featured image shows a picture of Phyllis Schlafly . The post is about the latest trademark dispute between Phyllis Schlafly and her nephew Tom Schlafly . To know more please click here.

Activist Phyllis Schlafly Loses Trademark Dispute against nephew’s Brewery

Phyllis Schlafly is a famous American Conservative activist, author, former Constitutional lawyer and founder of Eagle Forum which primarily focuses on social issues. She is also known for her bold social and political views and for her successful campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. She recently lost a fight against her nephew's brewery, St. Louis Brewery, in a trademark battle which was pending in the court for four years. Her nephew ,Tom Schlafly had applied for…

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The featured image shows the symbol of a registered trademark which is TM. The post is about the recent notification which has been issued by the Trade Marks registry for filing Examination Responses. To know more, please click here.

Trademark backlog to be finally reduced?

Recently, while giving a written reply to one of the matters in Lok Sabha, the Commerce and Industry Minister of the incumbent government, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, emphasized that the government has taken steps to reduce the increasing backlog of the Trademarks Registry of India. She stated this while addressing the concern mounting over the daunting backlog of the Trademarks Registry. She also asserted that 21,706 applications have been abandoned or rejected during the period of 2015-16 due to the…

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The featured image shows the symbol of a registered trademark which is TM. The post is about the recent notification which has been issued by the Trade Marks registry for filing Examination Responses. To know more, please click here.

TM Registry Issues New Public Notice Regarding Abandoned TM Applications

The Trade Marks Registry  has recently released a notification on July 15, 2016 stating that no reply has been received for 9578 Examination Reports out of 13,062 Examination Reports which were dispatched during the month of March and April, 2016. These staggering figures released by the Indian Trade Marks Registry highlights some important issues. After applying for a trademark, there are chances that the particular trademark for which registration is sought for may face objections from the Examiner of the…

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The featured image shows the logo of Patanjali. The post is about the dispute between Patanjali and Emami. To know more, please click here.

Patanjali mired in controversy once again

The brand Emami is a well known name in the FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sector in India. Recently, Emami had levelled accusations against Patanjali Ayurved Limited of copying the design as well as the trademark of its ‘Kesh King’ brand of hair tonic. Emami had launched the product 'Kesh King' in the year 2015. This product was developed by Sanjeev Kumar Juneja of SBS Biotech in the year 2008. The product was being sold and marketed through SBS Biotech of…

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The featured image shows the logo of toyota Company. The post is about a recent trademark dispute regarding the use of the mark PRIUS. To know more, please click here.

Toyota Wins the ‘Prius’ Trademark Dispute

Toyota, one of the leading giants in the automobile industry, sensed a huge relief when the Delhi High Court on 8th of July, 2016 delivered its judgment in its favour. This trademark dispute was pending in the court for seven long years, before the court found the defendants conduct to be dishonest. The Delhi High Court in the case of Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha vs Deepak Mangal & Ors., CS (OS) 2490 of 2009, also known as the Prius Trademark…

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