In the Indian patent system, a request to the patent office has to be made to process the application to the Examination stage. Unlike other countries like the USA, where the examination fee has to be paid at the time of filing itself, Indian Patent Act 1970 provides 4 years time frame to file and pursue the application to the examination stage.
A request for examination has to be filed within 48 months from the date of priority (priority date here…
The possibility of protection and a company's capability to protect a secret is indeed an important factor to be considered while defining the nature of protection. Though many factors may be in favor of trade secret protection over patent protection, the incapability of an organization to maintain secrecy is a very important factor and may shift the balance.
The kind of information sought to be safeguarded, measures required for protection, nature of business, organization's stature, and so on play a very…
Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) is a new partnership programme with industries for support on a cost-sharing basis for high-risk discovery and innovation, accelerated technology development especially for futuristic areas like transformational technology and product development for the public good, areas having major economic potential with focused on IP creation with ownerships by Indian industry, development of technologies in the area of agriculture, health, bio-energy, green manufacturing etc.
The objective is to assist and promote emerging biotech entrepreneurs and facilitate innovative…
Image by Alexander Schaelss
Computing started when humans started analyzing based on numbers. In earlier times, people used various methods for the purpose of calculation. For example, papyrus helped early men to record languages and numbers. Later Abacus made of beads took charge as an arithmetic processing device. Since then processing units kept evolving. However, a major breakthrough came when the zero and the binary system were invented by Indians. The world moved from beads to bits.
The first computer was a…