Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image depicts some tablets inside a glass. This image is relevant as Drug Humria was not granted Patent in India. Click on the image for more information

Drug Humira turns Rheumatic for Abbott Biotechnology

The Indian Patent Office on December 31, 2014 set aside its order of granting a Patent to Abbott Biotechnology for its drug, Humira, in light of pre-grant opposition filed by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. In November, 2003, Abbott had filed a patent application No. 526/DELNP/2005 for its drug named Humira, a formulation of human antibodies for treating Rheumatoid Arthritis. Glenmark filed a pre-grant opposition to this application in September, 2008. Since this was not brought to the notice of the Controller, Patent…

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This image depicts a Classical Guitar. This image is relevant as the article deals with the Entertainment News of Bollywood. Click on this Image for more Information.

Pirate’s Share: Piracy is Not Music to Many Ears

  The revenues from digital formats of music, as per an article published by RIAA, was about US$ 4.4B in 2013, and is growing at a exponential rate. The evolution of novel modes and means of digital exploitation has opened doors to music creators and owners across the world, as well as pirates. With more than 500 record labels releasing recordings in more than 20 languages, the music business in India is not only very large, but also diverse. The share of digital…

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Dr. Kalyan Quoted in the Indian Express

BananaIP’s Managing Parter, Dr. Kalyan, was recently interviewed by the Indian Express for an article titled “More Spends on Patents Needed” which looked at the low number of patents being filed by Indian companies in India as compared to MNCs or NRIs. Dr. Kalyan observed that “MNCs see patents as an investment and not expenditure. Most Indian companies are not IP-savvy and those who file patents do not know how to leverage them for business development,”. Date : 11/01/2015 [button link="http://www.newindianexpress.com/business/news/More-Spends-on-Patents-Needed/2015/01/11/article2613526.ece" newwindow="yes"]…

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IIT Mumbai x

BananaIP Chosen as Strategic IP Partner for IIT Mumbai’s International Business Plan Competition

BananaIP has been selected as the strategic IP partner for “Eureka”, the prestigious international business plan competition conducted by IIT Bombay. BananaIP will be responsible for providing IP and related consultancy to the finalists of Eureka. The winners of the event will be declared and awarded prizes during E-Summit 2015, to be held at IIT Mumbai. Date : 11/01/2015 [button link="http://www.newindianexpress.com/business/news/More-Spends-on-Patents-Needed/2015/01/11/article2613526.ece" newwindow="yes"] Read more[/button]

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RPX acquires patents owned by Apple’s Rockstar Consortium for US$ 900M

American patent risk management company, RPX Corp., entered into an agreement to acquire around 4,000 patents owned by Rockstar, a consortium led by Apple Inc. and other firms for US$ 900M. Rockstar was created as a patent holding entity in 2011 by technology bigwigs like Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry, Sony and Ericsson, with the intent of purchasing the 6,000 patents from the Nortel Network Corp., for US$ 4.5B, following its bankruptcy. About 2,000 of the most valuable patents have already been distributed…

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This image depicts Tablets of different colors. This image is relevant as there is a Patent Infringement dispute between Aurobindo Pharma and Astrazeneca. Click on the image for more information.

Astrazeneca to retain Sweetness of Onglyza

Aurobindo Pharma, USA, has been dragged to the Court for patent infringement by Astrazeneca. The suit filed is against the ANDA (Abbreviated New Drug Application) filed by Aurobindo Pharma with the USFDA with regard to seeking the market approval for Saxagliptin hydrochloride tablets before the expiry of its US patent. Aurobindo Pharma plans to market the generic versions of Saxagliptin hydrochloride tablets of 2.5 mg and 5 mg strengths. Astrazeneca is the sole marketer of Saxagliptin hydrochloride tablets having got…

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LSU helps faculty Transfer Innovation into the market x

LSU helps faculty Transfer Innovation into the market

  In January this year, Louisiana State University (LSU), established LSU LIFT (Leveraging Innovation for Technology Transfer) Fund, which offers bi-annual funding to LSU faculty members on a competitive basis, to effectively transfer innovation out of the lab and into the market. The board also agreed to continually support the LSU LIFT Fund by assigning 5% of the university’s future IP licensing income to the new fund.   In Round 1 of funding, the program attracted 47 applications out of which…

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Spanish publishers suffer as Google News closes Operations

Spanish Publishers Suffer as Google News Closes Operations

Last week, Google closed its operations in Spain, in response to the new Copyright Law which has made it mandatory for Google, Yahoo and other news aggregators to pay licensing fee to all news publishers for using their stories or snippets in Google News. The regulation, expected to come into effect in 2015, will deal with websites that share pirated content. As per the law, Spanish Government will have the authority to penalize websites up to US$ 750,000 for directing links…

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Development of Copyright Law in the UK

  Following recommendations given in an independent report by Professor Ian Hargreaves in 2011, the UK Government had come up with several changes in the Copyright Law, covering aspects of fair dealing for accessible formats for the disabled, research and education, public administration, parody and personal copies for private use. Of these, regulations allowing personal copies of legally-bought music to be made for private use under exceptions to copyright are facing strong resistance from the UK music industry. Having come into force…

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This image depicts the trademark logo of Linkedin. This image is relevant because this post talks about whether Linkedin connections can be considered as trade secrets. Click on the image to view full post.

Are LinkedIn Connections Trade Secrets?

This question came up in an Employer-Employee trade secret dispute before a California Court. David Oakes was working in a sales position with a company called Cellular Accessories under an Employment Agreement with a clause to safeguard the company's trade secrets. As a part of his employment with Cellular Accessories, David established more than nine hundred contacts on LinkedIn and maintained the list on his computer. The list was updated whenever a new contact was made. On leaving the company,…

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