Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

This image depicts the IBM building. IBM has recently filed a patent infringement suit against Priceline. Click on the image to read the full post.

IBM sues Priceline and subsidiaries for Patent Infringement

International Business Machine Corp. (IBM) has filed a lawsuit against online travel leader, Priceline and its associated websites for infringing on 5 of IBM’s patents to build its own business model. IBM has made allegations that Priceline has constantly refused to discuss a license to the patented inventions of IBM and should pay royalties on the billions of dollars of revenue it generated using them. Priceline declined to comment on the issue. Two of the patents Priceline allegedly infringed on are…

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This image depicts the logo of Inpass, a New Patent Full-Text Search Tool from IPO. Click on the image for further information

InPASS: New Patent Full-Text Search Tool from IPO

The CGPDTM (Controller General of Patents Designs and Trade Marks) has been instrumental in stepping up the efforts of the IPO in making more patent information available online, with the introduction of a new search tool named InPASS (In dian P atent A dvanced S earch S ystem ), in February, 2015. The Indian Patent Office is showing its commitment to providing transparency to the public about patents. In 2010, the CGPDTM office launched IPAIRS, Indian Patent Information Retrieval…

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The image depicts two artificial person trying to put the Puzzle Pieces in the right place. This image is relevant as the article is all about Patent Acquisition and Guess Work. Click on the image for more information

Patent Acquisition and Guess Work

  Whenever an organization acquires any patent there is a whole lot of speculation that hits the market along with the product. Let us now see some of these acquisitions that made highlights in February, 2015.   (1) Google acquires Odysee. Google has purchased Odysee, an iOS and Android app concerned with the backing up and sharing of photos. Why would Google need this? It has Google+ photos! Odysee’s capabilities are slightly different. It allows for full quality photos to be automatically…

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This image depicts the Nokia office building. The Microsoft Nokia deal has been given partial approval. Click on the image to read the full post.

FTC Gives Conditional Approval to the Microsoft-Nokia Deal

The Fair Trade Commission (FTC), South Korea's antitrust authority, conditionally approved Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia’s handset business earlier this month. The conditions attached to the merger state that Microsoft will put a ceiling on the royalties paid by major Korean handset manufacturers like Samsung and LG for Nokia patents.  The agreement between Microsoft and Nokia will allow Microsoft to directly manufacture handsets and tablets based on its broad patent portfolio. Microsoft had submitted its request for the acquisition of Nokia’s…

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This image depicts the image of Qualcomm's headquarters. This image is relevant because this post talks about Qualcomm paying a record fine of US$ 975 million to China in an Antitrust Probe. Click on the image to view full post.

Qualcomm Inc. to pay record fine of US$ 975 Mn

  US chipmaker, Qualcomm Inc., has put an end to the 14-month anti-trust investigation by the Chinese Government by agreeing to pay a record fine of US$ 975 Mn. Qualcomm has also been asked to lower its royalty rates on patents used in China, thereby providing a boost to domestic handset manufacturers like Xiaomi and Huawei.   Qualcomm Inc. is facing similar charges in the US and Europe as well. South Korea has also started investigating similar monopolistic practices by Qualcomm.…

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22) The picture has a large copyright symbol at the center of it. The post is about the copyright holders suing Internet Service Providers for vicarious copyright infringement. Click on the image to read post.

Electronic Frontier Foundation to preserve Software

  Since the dawn of internet, the technological development has been exponential, leading to digitisation of almost all possible activities as from tablets and phones to watches, glasses, TVs and even refrigerators become “smarter”. The laws such as Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), enacted to focus on the rise of digital era, are unable to completely match the pace of this development. Recently, the US Copyright Office initiated the sixth triennial rule-making process which has been accepting petitions since then. Electronic…

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px Boston Garden church service

Intellectual Property: EVENT- The Global Fellows Series — Bridging the IP Gap Between the US and Europe

Date                                   March 10-13, 2015 Venue                                Munich, Germany Agenda                             The series will promote a higher level of international IP practice among the next generation of leaders in the global legal community.

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