Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The featured image is of the Lion Capital which consists of the Ashoka Chakra, with a horse and bull on either sides, and an hoisted Indian flag below it. The Lion Capital is the national emblem of India. The image is related to the post as it is a part of the Sinapse Series"Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress". To read the post click here.

Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress Part 7

The post provides updates on the progress of plant varieties filings and registrations in India during the last decade. The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights (PPV&FR) Act was enacted in 2001, the PPV&FR Rules were drafted subsequently in 2003.  The PPV&FR Authority was established and made functional in 2005, as per the powers granted to Central Government under section 3 of the PPV&FR Act. The main objective of the Act is not only to cater to the rights and…

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Featured image is of a Zara Store in Sydney, as the post is about the Zara trademark and how it got its name. To read more click here.

Zara Trademark Saga: History Repeats Itself

When Shakespeare wrote the famous line “what’s in a name” he definitely did not anticipate the redundancy of the statement in the context of intellectual property. It’s all about the name! There are numerous legal suits that have ensued over the copying of a name. And why shouldn’t they, there is tremendous amount of goodwill and reputation attached to a name. Recently, Zara the Spanish clothing brand, sued a Chennai based restaurant for using its name. The restaurant was called…

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The featured image is of the Lion Capital which consists of the Ashoka Chakra, with a horse and bull on either sides, and an hoisted Indian flag below it. The Lion Capital is the national emblem of India. The image is related to the post as it is a part of the Sinapse Series"Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress". To read the post click here.

Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress Part 6

The post provides statistical information about industrial design (Design Patent) filing and grant numbers during the last decade. The Design Act, 2000 is administered by the Design wing of the Patent office Kolkata under the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trademarks and Geographical Indications. The Designs Act 2000 was made effective from 11th May 2001 repealing the earlier Act of 1911. This Act with corresponding Design Rules 2001 provides for the registration and protection of industrial designs.…

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Disney x

Did China Copy Disney’s famous track?

  The lack of snow for the  2022 Winter Olympics, is not the only reason why China is facing criticism. The recent controversy faced by the Chinese is with respect to the Official Song for the games, “The Snow and Ice Dance” which has raised some questions about its source. It has been noticed by keen listeners that the song sounds like a rip-off of  “Let It Go,” the popular ballad sung by Idina Menzel . “Let it Go” rose to prominence, as…

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The featured image is of the Lion Capital which consists of the Ashoka Chakra, with a horse and bull on either sides, and an hoisted Indian flag below it. The Lion Capital is the national emblem of India. The image is related to the post as it is a part of the Sinapse Series"Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress". To read the post click here.

Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress Part 5

The post below gives details about the statistics of Geographical Indications (GI) filed and registered in India in the past decade India's journey with Geographical Indications (GI) started almost 10 years back in 2003, when the GI Act and Rules came into force. In order to comply with India's obligations under the TRIPS agreement, India enacted the Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 which came into force with effect from September 15, 2003. Since 2003, with the first…

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The image depicts the NIKE logo.

Nike ‘JUMPMAN’ NOT a Copy

Whenever one talks about sport shoes the brand NIKE immediately comes to mind. It is one of the most popular brands and also has releases exclusive editions of shoes for different sports. One such edition is JUMPMAN. This edition was created in 1980s, after Hall of Fame basketball player Michael Jordan entered into a deal with NIKE for a special edition of shoes as well as apparels. Through decades the JUMPMAN logo has been recognized by the logo of Jordan’s…

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Automotive Industry x

Mahindra’s Patent Force Fuels the Fire of Genius

All of us know that Mahindra Research Valley (MRV) at Chennai is a hub for research activity, where hundreds of researchers work on creative, inventive and innovative ideas on a daily basis. Inaugurated in 2010, MRV has been instrumental in helping Mahindra scale up the value chain through its inventions and innovations in automotive/farm sectors. Over the last three years, more than sixty (60) percent of Mahindra's ever growing patent portfolio was contributed by MRV. Today, all of Mahindra's vehicles…

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The featured image is of the Lion Capital which consists of the Ashoka Chakra, with a horse and bull on either sides, and an hoisted Indian flag below it. The Lion Capital is the national emblem of India. The image is related to the post as it is a part of the Sinapse Series"Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress". To read the post click here.

Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress Part 4

The post below gives  details about the statistics of patents filed by Indian states  in the past decade The patent system plays a major role in preventing stagnation of industrial growth by stimulating creation of intellectual property. It propels competitive spirit amongst the inventors and industrialists to forge ahead and make improvements to their products, machines and processes. This results in the advancement of technology and further enhancement in the sphere of knowledge. Indian Patent Office is geographically divided and located…

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The featured image is a thumbs down, opposite of a thumbs up action used as the "like" symbol on Facebook. The post is about a legal matter concerning privacy and data protection of user information on Facebook. To read the post click here.

Data Protection Battle that Facebook Inc. lost

  In a recent turn of events, the New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division has given an important ruling with regards to Facebook blocking 400 search warrants, seeking information about the postings of numerous users for a criminal fraud investigation. This decision is imperative as it has been ruled in the wake of the rising importance of privacy rights (data protection). Although the verdict has been unanimous in nature from the Appellate Division's First Department about the warrants, the judges…

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Featured image is of the invitation for the Sinapse Intellectual Property Seminar for Startups and Entrepreneurs. To read the post click here.

Using Intellectual Property Rights to Build Your Business

Start Ups and the Business of Intellectual Property Intellectual Property (IP) plays a multi-dimensional role in every creative, knowledge and technology driven company and its role is more pertinent to a start up. Its potential to build a layer of competitive advantage, safeguard business vantage, raise investment, prevent misappropriation and enhance valuation, makes IP an important element of every start ups business and growth strategy. As the value of IP to a start up varies based on a multitude of factors…

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