First Publication Date: 24th December 2009.
Department of Biotechnology has introduced a scheme to fund projects of small business innovative research Initiative. The scheme has become immensely popular as almost 56 Successful SBIRI applicants are listed for the scheme as on 26/11/2009. The aim of the scheme is to encourage small and medium scale industries to take up risk in innovative R&D in biotech sector.
The intellectual property generated from the Project shall be the joint property of the Industry…
First Publication Date: 21st December 2009
Some aspects to be considered while drafting a Band Agreements are- the nature of properties that may be accumulated by the Band, during its operation; the types of projects that may be undertaken by the Band; the sharing of incomes realized by the Band as a whole; and the conditions of disbandment or for departure of Band members.
A. The Band’s properties
While a Band may come to own several forms of properties over the years, the…
First Publication Date: 21st December 2009
Trade Secret in India is not protected under any specific law but Indian Courts from time to time have recognized that confidential business information, such as customer lists, details of suppliers, pricing policies, product launch time-schedules, management marketing, know-how, designs, drawings, model, specifications, surface data, notes, improvements, technical information and so on may qualify as trade secrets.
The jurisprudence that has developed in relation to trade secrets and confidential information is by way…
First Publication Date: 21st December 2018
Most technology and engineering companies perceive development of a good portfolio of patents as a key function that enables them to differentiate themselves from their competition, and maintain strategic advantage in their business. Companies adopt various patent generation, protection and management strategies to develop a portfolio of patents. Strategies used by companies for generation of IP include, identifying inventions generated within the company, tying up with universities to generate IP, and acquiring third party IP.
First Publication Date: 20th December 2009
The case related to a patent in respect of the manufacture of new sulphonyl-ureas, salts of those compounds and of anti-diabetic preparation containing such compounds. One of the chemical compounds comprised in the said patent was Tolbutamide, and since 1957 the patent holder had been marketing the same as an anti-diabetic drug in India and all over the world under the trade mark "Rastinon". The patent holder filed an infringement suit against the Respondents…
First Publication Date: 18th December 2009
In this case, the Appellant, Laxmi Dutt Roop Chand, was the patent holder of a patent relating to the process of manufacture of hollow wares, such as 'lotas', 'batwas', 'degchis', 'batlois' and so on. The Appellant filed a patent infringement suit against the Respondents, Nankau and others, claiming that their process of manufacturing hollow wares violates the patents held by the Appellant and prayed for a permanent injunction restraining the Respondents from…
First Publication Date: 14th December 2009
In a recent case involving Chemtura Corporation, Union of India and Others, the Delhi Court interpreted the scope of government use exemption under Section 47 of the Patents Act. The patent holder in the case, Chemtura, filed a patent infringement suit against Union of India and others with respect to an invention concerning side bearing pad assembly and sought a temporary injunction during the pendency of the suit. The infringement action was filed…
First Publication Date: 15th December 2009.
This case can be considered to be the most important case in inventive step jurisprudence in India. Though the case was decided in 1978, the principles laid down in the case are followed even today and have been codified in the Indian Patent Act.
The patent in the case related to a means for holding utensils for turning purposes . According to a preferred feature of the invention disclosed in the patent, the pressure end of…
First Publication Date: 14th December 2009
The litigation between Bajaj and TVS, which was very widely reported in the news showed the value of patents for gaining business advantage. The case briefs with respect to the litigation between the parties have been provided hereunder for the reader’s benefit. The cases relate to grant of injunction by the Court.
Bajaj Auto Vs. TVS Motor Company
Bajaj Auto Ltd. ("Bajaj") acquired a patent with regard to an invention relating to…
First Publication Date: 9th December 2009.
Asian Electronics Ltd v/s Jumbo Electric Company (Delhi High Court, 12th November, 2009)
Facts of the case:
Asian Electronics (hereinafter referred to as the plaintiff) is the holder of an Indian patent 193488, which talks about a kit for converting a fluorescent lighting fixture from inductive operation to electronic operation. The corresponding US patent can be seen here. The plaintiff stated that Jumbo Electric Company (hereinafter referred to as the defendant) was manufacturing and selling the identical…