The following presentation titled “Patent Search”, was delivered on 22nd January, 2017 by Mr. Nitin Nair, Senior Partner, BananaIP Counsels, at National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU) to the Post Graduate Diploma Intellectual Property Rights Law PGDIPR students as a part of their course.
The Presentation included the following topics:
- Criteria for Patent Search
- Databases used for Patent Search
- Search methodologies used for Patent Search
- Keyword Searches and examples
- Classification based searches
- Types of classifications
- Tips for Searching
- Types of searches
- Patentability Analysis
- Landscape Analysis
- Infringement Analysis
- FTO Analysis
- Invalidity Analysis
To access the entire presentation please visit the below mentioned link:
About Mr. Nitin Nair
Mr. Nitin manages the Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology divisions of the firm. He also personally oversees client feedback, quality assurance and technology integration processes.
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