World’s Best IP Blogs – Kluwer Copyright Blog

Continuing from the previous post on the blogs from Kluwer Law International, this post features the second blog from Kluwer known as “Kluwer Copyright Blog.”

Kluwer Copyright Blog is once again a publication of Kluwer Law International which provides information and news with respect to the European copyright law. The intention of the copyright blog is to provide short columns on European copyright law and occasionally US law where there is a cross border interest.

The blog was founded in 2010 and has come a long way since its inception. It primarily caters to copyright law professionals in general and more particularly copyright law professional operating in Europe.  The managing editor of the blog is Dr. Lucie Guibault who specializes in copyright and neighbouring rights law, collective rights management, open access licensing, protection of computer programs and database right.

Kluwer Copyright lists 10 contributors from several major European states and Universities. The team at Kluwer Copyright includes leading experts in the field, practising lawyers and academicians who report and analyze the latest developments in Copyright Law and issues in Europe and elsewhere.

While the blog has a better global ranking compared to Kluwer Patent Blog, i.e. 1,026,714 as compared to Kluwer Patent’s global rank of 3,021,306, it has a far lesser reach rank of about 816,678. The blog has a google pagerank of 6 which indicates that the blog is actually more popular than the patent blog run by Kluwer. The blog on an average generates over 30,000 page views a month, which is quite commendable. Although patents and copyrights are two different fields and must not ideally be considered as a comparative to the other, it serves well to note that the blogs are published from the same Institution and the copyright blog seems to fare better than the patent blog.

Kluwer Copyright is definitely a good blog that provides relevant and reliable updates and information with to respect to Copyright law. We congratulate the blog on a job well done and hope that the blog continues to do well in the future.

Authored by Gaurav Mishra

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