Weekly Trademark Office Statistics – December, 2021 – Part III

This weekly Trademark Office data has been compiled from dynamic data published by the Trademark Office as updated till 22nd December, 2021. These statistics are presented to you by the Trademark and Copyright team of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Intellectual Property Firm.

Indian Trademark Statistics

A decrease of five percent (5%) in the total number of trademark applications examined by the Trademark Office this week. A total of five thousand eight hundred and fifty-six (5856) applications were examined. These statistics have been compiled from the official journal of the Trademark Office published weekly on Mondays.

Trademark Office consistently working

The Trademark Office has shown consistency in its working capacity since last week. There has been a decrease of seven percent (7%) in the total applications disposed through show cause hearings. There has been an increase of forty-five percent (45%) in the total number of hearing notices issued. Further, six thousand and thirty-five (6035) applications were published in the previous week, exhibiting a seven percent (7%) increase in publications since last week. Additionally, eight thousand four hundred and thirty-two (8432) registration certificates were issued, and three thousand and forty-nine (3049) renewal notices were issued.

Weekly Indian Trademark Office Statistics

Particulars1st Jan 2020 to 31st December, 2020 1st Jan 2021 to 30th December, 2021Change in %
Total Applications Filed394842449264An increase of 13.78 %
Total Number of Trademark Applications Under Examination399539433981An increase of 8.62 %
Total Number of Trademark Applications Post Examination147824217990An increase of 47.47 %
Total Applications Disposed through Show Cause Hearings 75930112271An increase of 47.86 %
Total Applications Published in the Trademark Journal362222320210A decrease of 11.60 %
Total Registrations Granted226578319033An increase of 40.80 %
Total Hearing Notices Issued103230284661An increase of 175.75 %
Total Renewal Notices Issued98299132978An increase of 35.28 %

Statistics per Trademark Office

ParticularsLast WeekThis WeekPercentage Change
Total Trademark Applications Examined by Trademark Office49964907A decrease of 2%
Total Applications Disposed through Show Cause Hearings48355056An increase of 5%
Total Applications Published in the Trademark Journal57815830An increase of 1%
Total Registrations Granted59317136An increase of 20%
Total Hearing Notices Issued84568856An increase of 5%
Total Renewal Notices Issued38701806A decrease of 53%

Trademark Office Statistics Compiled till 22nd December, 2021

S. No.JurisdictionNew ApplicationsExaminedPublishedRegistered

Data compiled by Lavanya Anand, Varun Gopala Krishnan and Rohan Joshua Jacob of the Trademark, Copyright and IP Transactional Strategy Division, BananaIP Counsels

About BananaIP Counsels Trademark Attorneys

This Weekly Trademark Statistics Bulletin is brought to you by the Trademark, Copyright, IP Transactional Strategy Divisions of BananaIP Counsels, a Top IP Firm in India. BananaIP Counsels’ trademark attorneys are among the leading experts in the field. If you have any questions, or need any clarifications, please write to contact@bananaip.com with the subject: Trademark Weekly Statistics.
The weekly trademark news initiative is a part of their pro bono work and is aimed at spreading trademark awareness. You are free to share the news with appropriate attribution and backlink to the source.


Kindly note that the news bulletin has been put together from different sources, primary and secondary, and BananaIP’s reporters may not have verified all the news published in the bulletin. You may write to contact@bananaip.com for corrections and take downs.


  • December 29, 2021 Posted

    We’ve seen that the workload at the Trademark Office is massive. All trademark applications must go through two examinations: one to examine the formal requirements (name spelling, address accuracy, application completeness, etc.) and the other to check the substance criteria. If there are any earlier trademarks, or if there is a lack of distinctiveness, or if there is any other absolute reason for denial, the Trademark Office will investigate. It’s a big job to keep the workflow moving and the decisions consistent and accurate. If we assume that each application will take 10M for formal inspection and 20M for substantive examination, the Trademark Office will devote more than 1 million hours of work each year.

    • December 29, 2021 Posted
      BananaIP Reporter

      It’s nice to see that the Trademark Office is continuing its efforts to match the workload inflow from the vast number of fresh applications despite the offset caused by COVID-19.

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