Weekly Indian IP Statistics – 1st January to 7th February, 2020

Trademark Statistics (1st Jan to 7th Feb, 2020)

Trademark Applications Examined by Trademark Office: 9112
Applications Disposed through Show Cause Hearings: 5832
Applications Published in the Trademark Journal: 8783
Registrations Granted: 6407
Hearing Notices Issued: 9124
Renewal Notices Issued: 3272

Patent Statistics (1st Jan to 7th Feb, 2020)

Early Publications: 922
Ordinary Publications: 5794
Applications published: 6716
Grants in Delhi: 1206
Grants in Mumbai: 536
Grants in Chennai: 1154
Grants in Kolkata: 552
Total Grants: 3448
Total applications examined: 10410

Industrial Design Statistics (1st Jan to 7th Feb, 2020)

Designs registered till date: 1416

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