Upcoming: Free Webinar on Patent Process and Strategy – Session 3 of the Master Class on IP by BananaIP and NASSCOM’s KTech CoE on Data Science

The Certificate Master Class  on IP by BananaIP Counsels and NASSCOM’s KTech CoE on Data Science  has completed two weeks, and the third session is coming up this week on 10th June, 2021 (Thursday). During this session, reputed patent attorneys from BananaIP will cover the patent process and related strategic options for businesses. You may register for the session for free at this link: here

What will this session cover?

With primary focus on patent procedure and related strategies for businesses, this Session will cover:

  • Preparing patent documents;
  • Patent filing;
  • National Patent Filing and International Patent Filing;
  • Patent Examination/Prosecution;
  • Indian Patent Process; PCT Filings and Process;
  • Handling Oppositions and Revocations;
  • Budgeting for Patent Filings Nationally and Internationally;
  • Managing Patent Applications and Files;
  • Patent Compliance and Audits; and Building Patent Portfolios

Strategic Inventor – Free AI Tool to Draft Patents

During the session, a short presentation will also be given on BananaIP’s AI tool for patent drafting (Strategic Inventor). The application has been made available by BananaIP for free, and companies seeking to draft patents on their own may use it. You may learn more about the tool at this by clicking here or by visiting www.strategicinventor.com.

Session Faculty

This session will be conducted by some of the well known patent attorneys at BananaIP Counsels. The Session will be delivered by Ms. Vinita Radhakrishnan (Senior Partner (Biosciences, Pharma and Medical Tech Patents) and Mr. Gaurav Mishra (Managing Associate, Patents and International Filings).

Ms. Vinita Radhakrishnan is a Senior Partner at BananaIP Counsels and an internationally recognized life sciences, pharma, medical technology and traditional medicine patent agent/attorney; Ms Vinita works with a portfolio of clients across the world on international patent strategy, filing and protection

Mr. Gaurav Mishra is Senior Associate and Patent Attorney at BananaIP Counsels and has a significant experience in patent practice and process before the Indian patent office as well the International Bureau of World Intellectual Property Organization.

Like the previous sessions, BananaIP’s team of partners and associates will answer questions of participants during the session.

Session 2 Feedback

The session on patentability and patent searching delivered by Mr. Nitin Nair received a rating of 4.4 on 5. Close to 100 questions were answered during the session, and the feedback of participants reflects their satisfaction with the session.

Select Comments of Participants

“It was a great session! Looking forward to the next session”.

“Excellent session. Thanks to the faculty, very informative. Examples helped understand the subject well”.

“The concepts were quite clear and learnt that how crucial it is to be helped by a patent attorney while going ahead with the patenting process”.

“Practical and insightful”.

Register for Session 3

You may register for Session 3 at this link – here.

This event is supported by StartUp Karnataka, India AI and IT/BT Department, Government of Karnataka.

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