Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The featured images shows the flying carby terrafugia This post is about a flying car that has been granted a patent in the US. To read more click here.

Ignition, Gear and Lift-off!

The idea for a flying car has now moved a step closer to reality from fantasy. The world's biggest automaker Toyota recently filed a patent application revealing a flying vehicle resembling a hover car or a roadable aircraft. The USPTO has published the patent application disclosed in application no. 14/194,795 on September 3rd, 2015. The patent discloses a vehicle that can be both, flown as a fixed wing aircraft and driven as a land vehicle. The invention titled “stackable wing…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

The times, they are a-changin’

In a previous post, we informed our readers about the new, draft patent rules that have been proposed by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India. The preceding post by Ms. Nisha Kurian presented an analysis of the proposed rules and sought to answer the question, if all measures to accelerate the patent registration process had been explored by the DIPP through these rules. While the proposed draft patent rules are likely to become effective from…

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