First Publication Date: 15th December 2010
Agreements that restrain an employee from working with a competitor or carrying out a competing business are called Non-compete agreements. Such agreements, when reasonable are considered to be valid in countries such as USA and UK. However, under the Indian law Non-compete agreements are valid to a very limited extent because agreements in restraint of trade or employment are void under Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act. The section reads as follows:"27. Agreement in…
First Publication Date: 16th August 2010
As per Section (35) of the Patents Act, 1970, the Controller may notify a patent application (i.e. a patent application before the grant/refusal) as a secret. The patent application may be of a class notified by the Central Government as relevant for defense purposes or may be up to the discretion of the Controller. The patent applicant is further prohibited from publishing information related to the patent application or communicating information related to the…