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Indian IP Office Orders Re-evaluation of Trademark Applications

Indian IP Office Orders Re-evaluation of Trademark Applications

The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has issued a directive for the re-validation of trademark applications processed by officers hired through the Quality Council of India. The process will involve a two-tier review system to ensure accuracy and compliance with current legal provisions, with a goal of processing 250 applications per day. Continue Reading Indian IP Office Orders Re-evaluation of Trademark Applications

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The image is of a stop sign with a man screaming stop and his hand gesturing stop as the post is about the staying of all TM registry's abandonment orders by the Delhi High Court. To read more click here.

Delhi HC stays abandonment orders issued by the TM Registry

  As all of you may be aware, we have been covering all latest developments about the hasty mass abandonment of trademark applications by the Trade Mark Registry on a regular basis. As per the Registry, such action was taken due to the non-receipt of trademark responses to Examination Reports, within the statutory limit of 30 days. Earlier this week we reported about the public notice issued by the Controller General of Patents Trademarks and Designs stating the following- “It is…

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