Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

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Weekly Trademark Updates

This week’s trademark updates are as follows: The tussle between TATA and HakunaMatata finally settles The Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Tata Sons Private Limited and barred a company in UK from using the ‘TATA’ trademark in its course of trading cryptocurrency or sale of digital tokens. The order of permanent injunction was passed against HakunaMatata $TATA Founders, who were made to change their name to HakunaMatata Token Ltd. The defendant company was also asked to start a new…

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Automobile industry x

Innovation Driven Automobile Industry

  The Indian auto and affiliated industries have seen unprecedented progress and growth in the last ten years.  India has gone from an economy which used to replicate innovation and products from industrialized nations to becoming one of the preferred destinations for research and development, as well as manufacturing.  To compete globally however, it is essential for organizations to invest in, develop and capitalize on their intellectual property (IP).  But how to go about this is something that most Indian companies…

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Clash of the Titans: Tata Indigo vs. Indigo Airlines, the trademark saga continues

Recently the Times of India reported that IndiGo Airlines, one of the premier airline companies operating from India, with more than 100 flights daily, had landed in a trademark dispute with Tata Motors, another automobile giant and proprietors of the car TATA INDIGO.  It is interesting to note that although Inter Globe (Prorpietors of IndiGo Airlines) and Tata Motors have been disputing for the past ten years, before the Indian Trademark Office, the news of the existence of such a dispute has…

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