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Weekly Trademark Updates

This week’s trademark updates are as follows: The tussle between TATA and HakunaMatata finally settles The Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Tata Sons Private Limited and barred a company in UK from using the ‘TATA’ trademark in its course of trading cryptocurrency or sale of digital tokens. The order of permanent injunction was passed against HakunaMatata $TATA Founders, who were made to change their name to HakunaMatata Token Ltd. The defendant company was also asked to start a new…

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Weekly Copyright News Updates - Intellepedia

Copyright Statistics, BCCI, Facebook, PokerNews and More.

Quote “Unfortunately, viewing pirated films online has always been a norm rather than an exception.” Dr. Kalyan C Kankanala Copyright Statistics There is an increase of 206% in the total number of copyright applications filed last week as compared to the previous week. A total of 447 applications were filed for copyright registration during the last week. The majority of applications were filed for literary works and artistic works. S. No Type of Work Number of Applications filed in the Previous Week (5th November 2018 to 11th November,…

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