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Delhi High Court invites suggestions for fixing royalties for sound recording

The High Court of Delhi has issued a public notice on 10th November, 2021, with respect to the intention of the IP Division to fix/revise royalties as mandated under Section 31D of the Copyright Act, 1957. The notice invites suggestions from interested persons, in writing along with necessary evidence, to be submitted within 30 days (by 10th December, 2021). The suggestions may be e-mailed to ipd-copyright@dhc.nic.in A copy of the notice is available here: http://delhihighcourt.nic.in/writereaddata/Upload/PublicNotices/PublicNotice_SIGLWQIP4Z3.PDF The notice reads as follows: PUBLIC NOTICE "Reg: C.O.(COMM.IPD-CR)…

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Image accompanying blogpost on "Is the President of Senegal entitled to royalties?"

Is the President of Senegal Entitled to Royalties?

First Publication Date: 18th November 2009 A statue named “African Renaissance” is being made in Senegal which will be taller than the Statue of Liberty in New York and larger than the Eiffel Tower of Paris. This statue is being made with an understanding that the same will give a boost to the tourism and will generate income which can be used for the welfare of the country. However, ever before the completion of this “Artistic work”, the same has come…

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Copyright x

The Indian Singers Rights Association v. Chapter 25 Bar and Restaurant

The Indian Singers Rights Association v. Chapter 25 Bar and Restaurant Citation:CS (OS) 2068/2015 & IA No. 14261/2015 Facts The Defendant in this case, Chapter 25 Bar and Restaurant during the month of April 2015 had been illegally communicating to the public numerous songs containing performances of various member singers of the Plaintiff copyright society, Indian Singers Rights Association (ISRA), without obtaining appropriate clearance from ISRA and paying the requisite royalty fee. ISRA had issued a legal notice against the Defendant…

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This image depicts a Court Gavel. This image is relevant as the article deals with the decision delivered by Delhi High Court regarding Royalties to singers. Click on this Image for more Information.

Royalties for Singers – Delhi High Court passes a favorable order

For all of us waiting to hear of development in the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012, yes, we have some news for you. It is not for Lyricists, or for Music Composers, but for Singers this time! The Indian Singers Rights Association (ISRA) has obtained a favourable order against one of the Delhi based clubs, Night Fever Club & Lounge, that has been playing songs and not paying Singers their due. The ISRA filed a suit against this lounge before the Delhi High Court…

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