Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence


Patents & Industrial Designs Statistics 2019 – A look back

Firstly, congratulations are in order to the Patent Office and the office of the CGPDTM for its stellar performance in disposing of patent applications and bringing down the total pendency of patent applications in 2019. As recently as 2 years ago, the patent office suffered with a massive backlog of patent applications which was extremely frustrating to a patent applicant, however timely actions such as the recruitment of additional examiners, streamlining of patent office practice and procedures have borne fruit. …

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Untitled Design x

2019 Trademark Statistics – A Recap

2019 Trademark Statistics - A Recap Trademark Statistics from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2019 Particulars 2019 Total Number of Trademark Applications Filed 336,194 Total Number of Trademark Applications Examined 384,725 Total Number of Trademark Applications Published 380,922 Total Number of Trademark Applications Registered 302,816 Yearly Trademark Statistics – A Comparison Particulars 2017 2018 2019 Percentage Change(2018-19) Total Number of Trademark Applications Filed 253,906 311,078 336,194 An increase of 8% Total Number of Trademark Applications Examined 377,710 370,015 384,725 An increase of 4% Total Number of Trademark Applications Published 389,428 429,440 380,922 A decrease of 11% Total Number of Trademark Applications Registered 331,669 348,556 302,816 A decrease of 13% As we can see from…

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