Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence


Working of Patents – A Workable Proposition?

The Working of the Patent System The patent system promotes the progress of science and technology by granting exclusive rights to inventors for a limited period of time. On expiry of the limited period, the inventions enter the public domain and add to the pool of knowledge base for further inventive activity. It is believed that the exclusive rights granted by the patent system provide incentives to invent, invest, disclose and design, which push the limits of science and technology.…

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Patent Claims x

PIL, IPO and Statement of Working of Patents

  This is in furtherance of Kalyan's post, which looked at the issue largely from the philosophical perspective. I endeavor here to look at Statement of Working of Patents from the perspective of the statute and functioning of patent office and its priorities in today’s context. The provisions relevant are:   Section 146 Power of Controller to call for information from patentees (1) The Controller may, at any time during the continuance of the patent, by notice in writing, require a patentee or a licensee,…

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Is Statement of Working of Patents For Public Interest?

Working of patents is an integral element of the Indian patent system. In line with the primary objective of patent law, which is to promote the progress of science and technology for public good and economic progress, Indian patent Act specifically mandates working of patents in India. Failing such working, a compulsory license may be granted with respect to a patent , or in the worst case scenario, the patent may be revoked. (See CHAPTER XVI- WORKING OF PATENTS,COMPULSORY LICENCES AND…

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