Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Patent stats, Industrial designs, Startup innovations, Latest Patent Decisions, Intellectual Property Exchange and NRDC, FTC versus Qualcomm, Computer-related Inventions guidelines, Monsanto, Patent Tip, ISR – PCT and more

Patent stats, Industrial designs, Startup innovations, Latest Patent Decisions, FTC versus Qualcomm, Computer-related Inventions guidelines, Monsanto, Patent Tip, International Search Report - PCT and more weekly news updates,  presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm. Patent Quote of the week "The art of obtaining a patent is in the language of the draft.” Nisha Kurian, Managing Associate – Patent Portfolio, BananaIP Counsels Patent Stats from the Indian Patent Office Early publications…

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Industrial Designs and Yoga

  To commemorate the 3rd International Yoga day, we bring to you accessories that have acquired design registrations that help one to practice yoga. Pants Knee Zone for Yoga Pants The above design registration bearing number D732,277 was filed in 2012 as “Pants knee zone for yoga pants, dance pants, rock climbing pants, gardening pants or the like” with the US Patent office. As per the claim made in the application, the design registration is not on the entire pants…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Patent stats, Industrial designs, Interesting Patents, Startup innovations, PortBOTS, Patent seminars, conferences, conclaves, Apple versus Qualcomm, Pharma patents, PPVFR, Patent Tip and more

Amazon’s drone towers, HCL Technologies – parking patents, Interesting Patents, Startup innovations, PortBOTS, Patent seminars, conferences, conclaves, Apple versus Qualcomm, Pharma patents, PPVFR, Patent Tip and more,  presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm. Patent Quote of the week “The good patent gives the world something it did not truly have before, whereas the bad patent has the effect of trying to take away from the world something which it…

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patent yoga

Yoga Patents

  The third international day of YOGA is being celebrated worldwide on 21st June. On 11th December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared June 21st as International Day of Yoga. Yoga is a universal language which is not all about exercise but it has other dimensions attached to it. The word ‘Yoga’ literally means ‘union’- the union of mind, body and soul. In this post, we bring to you some patent applications/patents that directly or indirectly relates to Yoga.   Indian Patents/Applications Patent …

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Facebook and Toyota Interesting patents, Startups, Innovations, Intel and Qualcomm, Bridgestone, patent infringement updates, Patent Tips, Mobile App patents and more

Facebook Patents, Toyota’s autonomous car, IIT-B’s interesting designs, Startups, Innovations, Bridgestone patent infringement, Sony patents, Intel, Qualcomm and Microsoft, USPTO, Michelle Lee, Patenting Mobile Applications and more,  presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm. Patent Quote of the week Kodak actually invented the digital camera that ultimately put it out of business? Kodak had the patents and a head start, but ignored all that. Peter Diamandis, founder and chairman of the X…

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px Arnab Goswami WikiConference

Employment to Entrepreneurship: Arnab Goswami, Times Now, Republic TV and Intellectual Property

  The row between Arnab Goswami and The Times Group (Bennett Coleman & Co.) elucidates some problems an employee turned entrepreneur may face from her/his erstwhile employer. Arnab Goswami was the star of Times Now, a television news channel, and his catch phrase, "The Nation Wants to Know," is extremely popular, to say the least. At the end of 2016, Goswami decided to quit Times Now on what appears to be not very amicable terms. In the first week of May…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Drone delivery, IBM patents, Training courses,Google’s PatentShield program and more

Drone delivery, IBM patents, Training courses, Qualcomm and Smartron Patent Licensing Agreement,  Google’s PatentShield program, Patent tip of the week and more, presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm. Quote of the week Patents are like fertilizer. Applied wisely and sparingly, they can increase growth. But if you apply too many chemicals, or make patents too strong, then you can leach the land, making growth more difficult. - Alex Tabarrok Patent stats from…

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The featured images shows a labyrinth or maze symbolizing the challenges faced in IP Life cycle or IP Portfolio Management. To read more click here.

Challenges in IP Portfolio Management

  Our previous post in this series discussed the value Intellectual Property brings to business and why managing the life cycle of IP systematically and efficiently becomes imperative. However, efficient management of the IP life cycle comes with its share of challenges that need to be addressed continuously and consistently to ensure smooth prosecution life of the IP. Today’s post is aimed at discussing some of the challenges professionals in IP face while managing IP portfolios.   Challenges with respect to timelines…

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The featured image shows the words pre grant opposition surrounded by a number of stop sign boards. This post is about the pre grant opposition provision in india. To read more click here.

Patent opposition system in India: Pre-grant & Post grant oppositions

The Patent laws of various countries provide a provision for opposition proceedings. Opposition proceeding is an administrative process available under the patent and trademark law of many jurisdictions which allows third parties to formally challenge the validity of a pending patent application and a granted patent.  Similarly, the Indian patent law also provides an opportunity to the public to take part in a patent proceeding to challenge the patent applications and the granted patents by raising objections by filing an opposition with the Indian patent office. The Indian patent law provides…

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The featured image shows a green school board on which the following words appear to be written by chalk. The words read "Patent news : Weekly updates". To get your weekly updates and news on IP, click here.

Futuristic Patents, Patent Licensing, Patent Tips and more

Patent stats from the Indian Patent Office, Patent Publications by City, PCT Filing Statistics from India, Patent cases, Amazon's Delivery Drone Patents, International Round Table on Evolving Jurisprudence on Patent Remedies by NLSIU, WIPO patent statistics, Patent Licensing and more, presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s Premier New Age IP Firm. Patent quote of the Week "You can derive value from the Indian patent system, provided you know how it works. Stop cribbing about how it is not like another country's system, and…

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