Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Patent Claims x

Complications In Patenting Biotech Inventions: A Peek At US Law

First Publication Date: 1st October 2010 Introduction Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the American constitution gives congress the power to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. In furtherance of the power granted to it by the constitution, the congress has enacted the Patent Law, which has been codified under Title 35 of the United States Code.…

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Patent Claims x

Licensing of Software Does Not Give Rise to Patent Exhaustion

First Publication Date: 20th September 2010 The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit clarified the legal confusion that was existing on the application of the first sale doctrine or doctrine of patent exhaustion with respect to software licenses. The Court clarified that the exclusive distribution right is limited by the first sale doctrine, which is an affirmative defense to copyright infringement that allows owners of copies of copyrighted works to resell those copies. Further the Hon’ble…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Indian Patent Statistics, Interesting inventions, New IP initiative by Indian Defence Ministry,Virtual market place for IP in Karnataka, USPTO unveils 2018-2022 strategic plan and more

“Indian patent statistics, Interesting inventions, Mission RakshaGyan Shakti – A new initiative by the Defense Ministry of India, Government of Karnataka to unveil a virtual marketplace for IP, IP Awareness Seminar held in University of Kashmir, Abbott Laboratories in yet another turmoil, this time over a stent patent and other Weekly Patent News updates” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Design Quote of the Week “Design transcends agenda. It speaks to…

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IP in Everyday Life – Aircraft Seat Belts

First Publication Date: 7th June 2010 Most of us fly frequently. But, we might not have paid attention to the most vital piece of safety equipment for a passenger; the seat belt. If you flip the receptacle portion of the belt, you will see a notice which states "Patent 5088160". The referred patent is assigned to Am-safe, Inc and was filed on February 5, 1990 (and has subsequently expired on February 5, 2010). The two independent claims are as follows: Claim 1: A webbing…

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Claiming with a Purpose, with the Blessings of the Inventor

This post was first published on March 1, 2010.   Claims draw the boundary to the invention that is being claimed. The boundary that is being drawn must be carefully done in order to ensure that the claims serve their purpose. The point here is that every claim must have a specific purpose and must be targeted to a potentially infringing product or process, or be targeted to protect a specific implementation (in case of defensive approach). In order for the practitioner…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Story of an Unchallenged Patent: Certainly Uncertain

This post was first published on February 16, 2010. Enabling designing around existing patents to promote progress of Science and technology forms a small but a non trivial part of the rationale behind existence of the patent system. To be able to safely design around patents it is critical to be able to understand the scope of protection rendered to that patent. The best place to start is the claims of patent since it determines the metes and bounds of the patented…

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Invention Disclosure Development

How Can We Encourage Inventors to Invent?

This post was first published on February 7, 2010.   In one of my earlier posts entitled, 'Why do inventors invent?', I provided the results of a study on inventor incentives carried out by us. It can be noted from the results that a very small percentage of the inventors expressed that financial incentives encourage them to invent. The learning from the study is that an incentive mechanism must include incentives other than financial in order to encourage inventors to invent.…

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Patent Claims x

What Should I do With My Invention Before I Talk to Venture Capitalists?

  First Publication Date: 9th February 2010   Every now and then I come across this question, and most often it’s asked by individual inventors and start-ups. In most cases, when you invent something, the next logical step would be to raise funds and build a business around it. To raise funds you will have to disclose the idea/invention to several VCs, preferable after signing a non disclosure agreement (NDA). A NDA, in brief, is a legal instrument that binds the parties entering…

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The featured image shows many strips of tablets and a thermometer on a grey background. The post is regarding the trademark dispute between Cadila health care and Sun Pharma . To know more please click here.

Pharmaceutical Business Strategy – A Brand Name Perspective

First Publication Date: 9th February 2010. In furtherance to Vikram’s post on Paragraph IV certification and its exploitation by generic pharmaceutical companies (ANDA applicant) to enter the market sooner, here is an insight on the NDA holders’ attempt to exploit the same. Every ANDA application filed by a generic company has to be in a prescribed format and must contain the prescribed content as per 21CFR sec. 314.94 (Contents and Format of an Abbreviated application). Each of these applications…

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Patent Claims x

Temporary Injunction Cases

First Publication Date: 15th January 2010 M.C. Jayasingh Vs. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI), Apollo Hospitals, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited and Cancer Institute (W.I.A.), (Regional Cancer Centre) The Appellant, Jayasingh, acquired a patent over a Prosthesis made of Titanium alloy, which is used in bone salvage surgery. On learning that the Respondents were making, selling, distributing and using Prosthesis that was covered by his patent, Jayasingh filed an infringement suit against the Respondents and prayed for an injunction during the pendency…

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