Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

The image depicts traditional medicine.

Informed Prior Art Analysis for Traditional Knowledge Based Inventions

This post was first published on November 26th, 2012. Prior art forms the core of novelty and inventive step analysis and also plays an important role in the assessment of other requirements. For negating novelty, the basic principle is: all elements of an invention must be present in a single prior art, expressly or inherently, supplemented by knowledge of a skilled artisan. For making an invention obvious, a combination of prior art elements that form part of the invention must be…

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The featured image reads patents versus industrial designs.

Differentiating Patents and Industrial Designs

Patents and Industrial Designs are both subsets of Intellectual Property Rights, along with Trademarks, Copyrights, Geographical Indicators, etc. Although these two types of Intellectual Property Rights are very distinct in nature, many tend to confuse the two. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), patents are an “exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.”…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Indian Patent Statistics, Interesting Inventions, Withdrawal of patent applications, 120 startups receive patents in 101 days and more.

  “Indian Patent Statistics, Interesting Inventions, Over 500 patent applications withdrawn, 120 startups receive patents in 101 days says DPIIT, USITC to begin investigation into alleged patent infringement by Jinko Solar, Longi Solar and another, EPO and Jordon begin negotiations on possible validation agreement, Alibaba wins award for IPR and Technology at the Luxury Law Summit in London” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Quote of the Week “Intellectual Property is a key…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Patent Statistics, Interesting Inventions, Bombay HC orders Nuziveedu to pay Monsanto, Delhi HC dismisses suit filed by Crocs Inc and more patent news updates

“Patent Statistics, Interesting Inventions, Bombay HC orders Nuziveedu to pay 138 crores to Bayer – Monsanto, Delhi HC dismisses suit filed by Crocs Inc., Pakistan revises IP Fee schedule showing an increase of 50% in costs, DepEd, Manila signs MoA with WIPO to introduce IP in basic education and other news updates” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Quote of the Week “Patents are the best and most effective means of…

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This image depicts two thinking minds. This image is relevant because the post talks about why Indian companies acquire patents. Click on the image to view full post.

Why Do Indian Companies Acquire Patents?

This post was last published on May 31st, 2012. Most people would assume that the answer to the question is obvious. But it is not. Ideally, patents are acquired to gain competitive advantage and through it, business value. In our quest to learn the answer, we have by virtue of studying about a hundred companies of varied sizes, realized that only twenty percent of them actually acquire patents to gain a business advantage. Why then do others invest in…

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This image depicts a Monkey standing with a stick and trying to describe what Patent Troll is with the basic definitions written in the Background. This image is relevant as USPTO has granted a Patent for a method of Patent Trolling. Click on the image for more information

Patent Trolling : Can’t Live With, Can’t Live Without!

This post was first published on March 9th, 2012. Patent Trolling is indeed a remunerative fad apart from being a 'rage'. It’s also turning out to be the easiest way to make quick bucks, many of those quick bucks rather. For once, it should probably be lauded for they have highlighted the largest of loopholes that companies seem to have over-looked on their march to success. However, what should also be observed in the midst of all of this is that…

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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Patent statistics, Interesting Inventions, US GIPC’s 7th International IP Index, IPA seeks removal of India from US Priority Watch List and other Weekly Patent News updates

“Patent statistics, Interesting Inventions, US GIPC’s 7th International IP Index, IPA seeks removal of India from US Priority Watch List and other Weekly Patent News updates” presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of BananaIP Counsels, India’s leading Patent Firm. Quote of the Week “I truly put passion and soul into the design to make it feel like a living thing.” – Ikuo Maeda, Design Chief at Mazda Indian Patent Statistics A total of 681 patent applications have been…

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How Many More Patents Would it Take to Make the World a Better Place to Live in?

This post was first published on July 30th, 2011. In a country like India where the sun is out for the major part of the day, I wonder if we are capitalizing enough on this abundant and sustainable source of energy, especially in a time when we are close to running out of conventional resources such as oil, gas, and coal. Harnessing this energy in order to make the surrounding environment a little more conducive for better living has…

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Are Rajinikanth’s Methods Patentable?

This post was first published on July 27th, 2011. Patentability of process inventions has always been interesting and controversial. We have earlier reported that the methods of performing yoga, massaging, walking on water and so on are patentable. After reading some of these posts, one of my colleagues (seemingly a big Rajinikanth fan) was curious about the patentability of Rajinikanth's methods and hence this post. Let us begin with the basics. As per the Indian Patents Act, any process or product…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Patent Suit over Viagra

This post was first published on June 7, 2011. Pfizer Inc. filed a suit against Watson Laboratories, on June 1, 2011 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York seeking to prevent Watson from commercializing sildenafil citrate tablets prior to the expiration of Pfizer’s Viagra. Watson's sildenafil citrate tablets are a generic version of Pfizer Inc.'s Viagra, which is indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Sildenafil citrate enhances the effect of nitric oxide, which…

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