Delhi and Madras High Courts overturned patent refusals for ‘Theta Defensins’ and due to a 6-year delay, setting precedents on amendments and timely decisions. Continue Reading Courts Weigh on Inordinate Delay in Patent Orders and Scope of Claim Amendments
Madras High Court supports three inventions by overturning three patent refusals on grounds of Lack of valid grounds (RTA-408 case), failure to consider inventive features (fluidized bed boiler case) and procedural error (fuel temperature control case). Continue Reading Review and Reversal of Patent Refusal Orders by the Madras High Court
Exploring recent High Court judgments overturning patent application refusals, highlighting the importance of detailed reasoning and thorough consideration in patent office decisions. Continue Reading Reversal of unreasoned and invalid Patent refusals based on Section 3(d), Novelty, and Inventive Step
In this post, we examine recent Madras High Court rulings that have overturned patent application refusals. These cases, involving complex topics such as immunological targeting, drug delivery formulations, and polynucleotide libraries, highlight the Court's stance on the necessity for clear and cogent reasoning in patent application rejections.
Case Notes
Rejection of claim amendments under Section 59 without reasons is not valid, says the Madras High Court.
In a case involving a patent application relating to "Immunological Targeting of Pathological Tau Proteins",…