Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Register for Session 3 of the Free Masterclass on Intellectual Property by BananaIP and NASSCOM

Upcoming: Free Webinar on Patent Process and Strategy – Session 3 of the Master Class on IP by BananaIP and NASSCOM’s KTech CoE on Data Science

The Certificate Master Class  on IP by BananaIP Counsels and NASSCOM's KTech CoE on Data Science  has completed two weeks, and the third session is coming up this week on 10th June, 2021 (Thursday). During this session, reputed patent attorneys from BananaIP will cover the patent process and related strategic options for businesses. You may register for the session for free at this link: here What will this session cover? With primary focus on patent procedure and…

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The image reads Basics of patent process as the post contains a PPT on the same. To read more click here.

Patent Law-Basics of Patent Process- A PPT by Somashekar Ramakrishna at NLSIU

The following presentation was delivered by Mr. Somashekar Ramakrishna, Partner BananaIP Counsels, at National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU), as a part of the Patent law course offered for PGDIP students. The presentation titled “Basic of Patent Process”covers the following topics: Patent Process Filing Publication Examination Pre-Grant Opposition Grant Post-Grant Opposition Other concepts such as-Statement of undertaking, Divisional application, Patent of addition, Working of Patents Exercises About…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Patent Process- Examination of Patent Applications in India

Once a patent application is filed in India and published after 18 months of filing the application, the next step involves the examination of the patent application. The examination process starts once the applicant files a request for examination within 48 months from the date of filing of the application or the priority date whichever is earlier. During the first examination stage, the examiner prepares the examination report incorporating all the statutory objections for the given patent application. The examiner…

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BIP Counsels - Online Patent filing India

Elucidating the Patent Process – Part 1

This post was first published on 16th July, 2014.   To comprehend the Patent Process in its entirety, it is very essential to understand clearly the different types of patent applications. This post lucidly explains the different types of applications which can be filed before the Indian Patent Office. Provisional Application Non Provisional Application/Complete Application Conventional Application PCT - International Application PCT - National Application Application for Patent of Addition Divisional Application Provisional Application is a…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Working of the Patent Process: A Presentation

A patent is a monopolistic right granted by the government for a specific period of time in return for the disclosure of an invention which is in conformance with the patent laws of a country. The protection for the invention is initiated by making a strategy as to how and when a patent application should be filed and this monopolistic right comes to an end 1 year after the payment of the 20 th year annuity/maintenance fee. The life cycle…

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