The Delhi High Court refused an interim injunction sought by Jay Switches in a patent infringement dispute against Sandhar Technologies. The Court found no prima facie infringement of Jay Switches’ patent for an airtight fuel cap and highlighted ambiguity in the claims. Sandhar was directed to maintain detailed accounts of product sales pending further proceedings. Continue Reading Court refuses interim injunction based on Patent Prosecution History
The Delhi High Court upheld Novartis’s patent on Ceritinib, rejecting Natco Pharma’s claims of invalidity and allegations of material suppression. The court ruled that the divisional application’s refusal was immaterial to the case and reaffirmed the patent’s validity based on inventive step, novelty, and therapeutic benefits. Natco’s application to vacate the injunction was dismissed. Continue Reading Revisiting Novartis versus Natco – Cancer drugs, divisional applications and patent validity
In a recent ruling, the Calcutta High Court dismissed WBCIL’s appeal seeking an interim injunction against GTZ, providing clarity on product-by-process claims under the Indian Patents Act, 1970. The judgment highlights the crucial role of expert testimony in establishing patent infringement. Continue Reading Clarifying Product-by-Process Patent Claims in India – West Bengal Chemicals v. GTZ
The Delhi High Court issued an interim injunction in favor of ITW GSE APS, restraining Dabico Airport Solutions from infringing on ITW’s pre-conditioned air patent during the pending suit. ITW’s PCA units, featuring advanced VFDs controlled by a central controller, are recognized globally. Dabico’s challenges were dismissed, leading to the injunction and a mandated turnover disclosure. Continue Reading Cool interim order for ITW’s pre-conditioned air patent, but Competitor’s airport deals allowed to continue
On May 30, 2024, the High Court of Himachal Pradesh granted an interim injunction to Boehringer Ingelheim, restraining Eris Lifesciences from manufacturing, selling, or marketing Empagliflozin tablets due to patent infringement. The court emphasized the importance of maintaining scientific integrity and upheld the validity of Boehringer’s patent. Continue Reading Boehringer secures Patent Injunction for its Diabetes Drug – Empagliflozin
The Delhi High Court in a recent patent infringement dispute, held that ‘all-elements rule’ cannot be adopted to the exclusion of the ‘pith and marrow rule’.
SNPC Machines (Plaintiff) sought a permanent injunction against Mr. Vishal Choudhary (Defendant) for manufacturing and selling brick-making machines which were similar to plaintiffs’ brick-making machines granted under patent nos. 353483, 359114, 374814, and 385845. Further, relief was also sought by the plaintiff for infringement of copyright in literature/ specification/ artistic features related to the…
The Delhi High Court in Kudos Pharma v. Natco Pharma addressed a patent infringement lawsuit concerning the anti-cancer drug Olaparib. To counter a patent infringement claim, the defendant needs to raise a plausible challenge to the patent’s validity. Patent coverage (what the patent protects) is distinct from the specific details disclosed in the patent document. This case involved a species patent (Olaparib) claimed within the scope of a broader genus patent. Continue Reading Kudos Pharma v. Natco Pharma: A case…
In a landmark decision, the Delhi High Court clarifies the nature of product by process patent claims in the ferric carboxymaltose dispute between Vifor International and MSN Labs. Continue Reading Product by Process Patent Claims are Product Claims, not Process Claims, rules the Delhi High Court
The Delhi High Court has granted an interim injunction in favor of RxPrism Health Systems, an Indian startup, against Canva, for prima facie infringement of a Picture-in-Picture (PIP) patent. The Court rejected Canva’s arguments of non-infringement and patent invalidity, mandating a deposit of Rs. 50 Lakh and costs of Rs. 5 Lakh. Continue Reading Indian Startup Secures Interim Injunction in PIP Patent Dispute with Canva
The plaintiff in this case filed an infringement suit against the defendants, users and suppliers of products covered under the Patent 214088 dated 13th March 2002 titled 'Carriage for the horizontal transfer of motor vehicles in automatic mechanical car parks.' The claims in the patent relate to a self-propelled carriage on wheels, for horizontal transfer of motor vehicles by lifting two or more wheels, in single or multi automatic mechanical car parks. The product is commonly known as a 'Dolly'…