Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

This image depicts a Gavel, a court hammer. This image is relevant as the post is about Chemutra Case. Click on the image for more information

The Chemtura Case – Assent from US’ BPAI, but Dissent from India’s IPAB

This post was first published on 29th October, 2014.   Intellectual Property Appellate Board, ORA/14/2009/PT/MUM ANDORA/14/2009/PT/MUM Decision Date: 24 AUGUST 2012 This post focuses only on the inventive step analysis of IPAB. The question of inventive step arose in a revocation petition before IPAB in which lack of inventive step was one among several grounds. SiNApSE readers will recall this case for its ratio on Section 8 of the Patents Act. Patent: The patent in question relates to a side bearing pad assembly…

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car seats x

Ford Patents the future with Mechanical Inventions

  Befitting its tagline, “Go further”, American multinational automaker Ford Motor Company has gone further and patented a Mechanical Invention concept in the US for an autonomous car that can reconfigure its seats and can make a car interior into a living room. The future open ups its possibilities into the world of autonomous cars or self driving cars. Ultimately, the goal of self-driving cars is to require nothing of the passengers, therefore seats that face the front of the car…

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Super car x

Automobile Patents: Moment-cancelling Four Stroke Engine

In the world of super cars and super bikes, we often sideline the numerous components which go into making these ‘mean machines’. One such component is the internal combustion engine (ICE). An ICE is a heat engine where the combustion of fuel occurs with an oxidizer, in a combustion chamber, that is essential to the working fluid flow circuit. Internal combustion Engines are in general subjected to torsional vibrations due to the moment produced by the reciprocating pistons connected to…

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The featured image is of the Lion Capital which consists of the Ashoka Chakra, with a horse and bull on either sides, and an hoisted Indian flag below it. The Lion Capital is the national emblem of India. The image is related to the post as it is a part of the Sinapse Series"Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress". To read the post click here.

Intellectual Property (IP) in India: A Decade of Progress Part 9

The post below gives statistical information about the number of patent applications filed and granted under various fields of invention, in the past decade. On the whole, a consistent rise has been seen with respect to the number of patent applications filed. The number of applications filed under the Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical fields show a considerable upsurge, while the number of applications filed in fields like bio-technology and food has plunged. During the year 2008-2009, a total number of 16,061…

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This Image depicts the Word art of 'The Young Intellectuals'. This Image is relevant as the article deals with the interview of Young intellectual property lawyers and professionals. Click on this Image to read the post.

An Interview : Mr. Somashekar Ramakrishna

Through Sinapse’s “Young Intellectuals” feature, we bring to you interviews with young Intellectual Property professionals, who are making a big difference in the Indian and Global Intellectual Property road-map. You could get a glimpse into the progress of the IP world, looking through their eyes. In this edition we bring to you Mr Somashekar Ramakrishna, Partner at Banana IP Counsels.   Interviewer: Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala Mr. Ramakrishna is a Partner and manages the Mechanical/Automotive patent division and prosecution division at BananaIP Counsels. Previously,…

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