Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Sipping on IP – Conversation on Intellectual Property x

Sipping on IP – Conversation on Intellectual Property

  Well I am guessing the title of this post may have piqued your interest. ‘Sipping on IP’ is an initiative taken by BananaIP, where everyone gathers over coffee and lets ideas, discussions and conversations about intellectual property brew. There are no ground rules and the conversation can be about varied topics from more current pressing issues to any IP related concept. It is a great way to connect, take a break and learn from your peers. Let’s see what we sipped…

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The featured imnage is of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner as Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk from the television program Star Trek. The post is about a copyright issue with Star Trek. To read more click here.

Complaint against Crowdfunded Star Trek Film Prevails

By virtue of being the owner of a movie,the producer (or his licensee) as a sole proprietor or the right holders have exclusive rights to use the trademarks, copyright and any Intellectual Property contained in a motion picture, in any manner whatsoever, including the right to reproduce, make derivative works, distribute, perform or right to publicly display the work.  These intellectual Properties in a movie includes, but is not limited to names, photographs, the specific characters, likeness, titles, artworks/images/stills/posters, dialogues…

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