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Steam Engine – Inventions that Revolutionized the World

First Date of Publication: 26th November 2010.   In the era, when the Scientific Revolution occurred and mechanics was established as science, Sir Isaac Newton was known as a scientist rather than a natural philosopher, the world took a massive step towards the modern world. The advent of newly invented machines became part of the daily and economic lives. Textile production was the bustling trade in 17th century but geographically it was focused mainly around Greater Manchester, Pennines and Lancashire. Thus…

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This image depicts a toothpaste tube shaped like a banana. It raises the question of such possibility. This post explores how traditional knowledge is used and misused by patents. Click on the image to read the full post.

Traditional Knowledge: Use or Misuse?

First Publication Date: 28th October 2010.   Misuse of traditional knowledge and measures to prevent the same have been attracting attention since the turmeric patent controversy. After successfully revoking turmeric patent claims that formed part of traditional knowledge, the Indian government has taken numerous initiatives ranging from legislative and policy changes to documentation and creation of a library of information (TKDL). With the press and media joining the effort, the awareness with respect to rights of traditional knowledge holders , actions…

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Indian Herbal Viagra Receives Patent Grant

First Publication Date: 5th October 2010. Kunnath Pharmaceuticals, Kerala recently received a patent for their product, Musli Power Xtra, an Indian herbal aphrodisiac for men and women. Musli Power Xtra popularly known as the ‘Indian Herbal Viagra’ is  reportedly India’s first ayurvedic herbal formulation to receive a patent for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. The herbs and ingredients which form part of the formulation includes the following: Chlorophylum borivillianum (Safed Musli), Mucuna purita, Withania somnifera, Moringa oleifera, Embilica officinalis, Tribulus…

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This image depicts the Open Source trademark, which comprises of a green keyhole with the words Open Source. this post talks about interesting developments in Open source technology. Click on the image to read the full post.

Open Source – A Business Reality

First Publication Date: 5th October 2010 Open source has today become a necessity for most businesses. It is estimated that 99 percent of all companies using software use at least one open source component. The business value added by open source products makes them inevitable for every company. In addition to software, open source has today expanded its tentacles to many areas from open text books to open drug discovery and is fast spreading to other areas.No business shift happens…

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patent idea noun  cc

Financial Assistance from Technology Development Board (TDB) for Industrial Concerns for the Development of Indigenous Technologies

First Publication Date: 4th October 2010 Technology Development Board (TDB) mandates to provide financial assistance to the industrial concerns and other agencies attempting development and commercial application of indigenous technology or adapting imported technology for wider domestic application. TDB was established as per the provisions of Technology Development Board Act, 1995 by Government of India through Department of Science and Technology. The funds collected by the TDB are through industrial concerns under the provisions of the Research and Development Cess Act, 1986,…

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Patent Claims x

Licensing of Software Does Not Give Rise to Patent Exhaustion

First Publication Date: 20th September 2010 The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit clarified the legal confusion that was existing on the application of the first sale doctrine or doctrine of patent exhaustion with respect to software licenses. The Court clarified that the exclusive distribution right is limited by the first sale doctrine, which is an affirmative defense to copyright infringement that allows owners of copies of copyrighted works to resell those copies. Further the Hon’ble…

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Patent Claims x

Bilski’s Invention Falls, Business Methods Survive

First Publication Date: 29th June 2010 The much awaited Bilski decision has been pronounced by the US Supreme Court (Bilski v. Kappos). This closely watched and highly discussed case revolves around patentability of Bilski's hedging of risks business method invention. From the day when the patent examiner rejected Bilski's claims calling them 'mere manipulation of an abstract idea' the controversy has given rise to a lot of potent questions including the likes of patentability of software and business methods and restrictions…

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This image depicts a heard of cows. This post discusses the patents that have been filed for the composition of cow urine and its uses. Click on the image to read the full post.

Another Patent Granted Over Medicinal Value of Cow’s Urine

First Publication Date: 24th June 2010.   A patent was granted to CSIR with respect to a composition useful for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages. The value of cow's urine has been emphasized in ancient Indian texts including the rig veda. Cow's urine is known to not only have medicinal value but is also used to purify ayurvedic medicines. The patent granted to CSIR claims a composition for preventing and repairing damage to DNA due to oxidation. The patent…

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Copyright Infringement: Bharat Law House vs. Wadhwa

First Publication Date: 13th June 2010 Supreme Court vacated Interim Application passed in favor of plaintiff and also allowed the IA in favor of defendants. This case is a hearing of interim application before Supreme Court while main suit was pending for trial. Case Facts Well-known authors Ratanlal and Dhirajlal wrote books on IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act, Torts, Law of Crimes and Bombay Criminal Cases. All these six books were assigned to the defendants by Mrs. Mary. Later, assignor and the defendants had a legal dispute which was…

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Patent Claims x

IP in Everyday Life – Godrej Tribolt

First Publication Date: 27th May 2010   I noticed this Godrej Tribolt lock (which can be seen below)     carrying prominent notices about the Intellectual Property related to it (seen below)   The above notice is an example of a good patent notice, in that it complies with S.111(1) of the Indian Patent Act, 1970, which reads as In a suit for infringement of a patent, damages or an account of profits shall not be granted against the defendant who proves that at the date of the…

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