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The featured image reads Weekly News Updates: Patent News. The logo of intellepedia also forms part of the featured image. To read more click here.

Swami’s Happiness patent, iPad 4 patent infringement; BananaIP’s upcoming seminar; Start-ups, Inventions and Patents; Traffic patent and more

  “More Publications by Patent Office, Patent for happiness, Prevention for fuel theft and patents for solving problems of traffic jams, Mimyk & other start-ups win access to start up incubators, TRAI invites comments- Patent law and FRAND, Apple Vs. MEC Resources LLP, Inter Partes Review, IP Training initiative in Africa by Japan and WIPO, Singapore Courts cant revoke patents, BIP Seminar- Building IP Framework for Corporates and BIP Tip of the week”, presented by the Patent attorneys and experts of…

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The featured image reads "Weekly news updates: Trademark news." The featured image also contains the logo of intellepedia. To read more on this, click here.

CLOUD TELE Trademark infringement, Nepal Coffee applied for trademark registration, Nellore’s Udayagiri Wooden cutlery obtains GI registration and more

Interesting Trademarks, Recent Trademark Cases, International Trademark Updates, Government News and Updates, Domain Name Disputes, Geographical Indication updates and more brought to you by the Trademark Team of BananaIP Trademark Quote of the Week "Within every brand is a product, but not every product is a brand " --David OGILVY TRADEMARK STATS FROM THE INDIAN TRADEMARK OFFICE Particulars Last week This week Change in % Total Trademark applications examined by Trademark Office 9831 13402 An increase of 36.2%…

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