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This image depicts a statue of Lord Shiva. It is relevant to the post, as the post talks about the possibility of trademarking the name of God! Click on the image to read the full post.

Trademarking the name of God? Huh! – Part 2

This post was published on September 04, 2014.   In this continuation post on legal aspects of trademarking god's name, we shall look into a few cases where Courts have discussed whether or not one can trademark God's name and therefore have monopoly in using God's name as an Intellectual Property. Usually, for a trademark used for a particular brand of goods or services, to be granted, it has to acquire secondary distinctiveness in its respective consumer market, and thus, one…

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The image depicts God. If the post is to be believed, the name of God van be trademarked too! Click on the image to read the full post.

Trademarking the Name of God? – Part 1

This post was first published on 2nd September, 2014.   If there is one question that can spark a controversy, it must be this - Is it possible to trademark the name of God? Section 9(2) (b) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, which deals with Absolute grounds for refusal of registration, mandates that a mark shall not be registered as a trademark if it contains any matter likely to hurt religious susceptibilities of any class or section of the citizens of India.…

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This image depicts Goddess Durga's face. This image is relevant for the post as it about trademarking the name of the Gods! Click on the image to read the full post.

Trademarking the Name of God? Huh! – Part 3

This post was first published on 8th September, 2014. In continuation to the previous post, we shall now have a look at other important cases where the issue of whether or not one can monopolize the name of the Creator by trademarking the name of God is discussed. In order to prevent unauthorized use of the picture of diety of Attukal Devi and description of "Sabarimala of Women / Streegalode Shabharimala (in Malayalam)", Attukal Bhagavathy Temple Trust has secured registration for the…

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